Favourites 286 stories
  • Favourites 286 stories - 1007 unread chapters Better Than The Best
    Created by re- Yamsmos
    - October, 2014
Found 237 stories in 66ms

Total Words: 8,655,367
Estimated Reading: 3 weeks



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Will the Soldier be able to overcome Equalism? You know the answer, but read on to find out how. Because Starlight Glimmer isn't just going to roll over and give in.

Chapters (2)

Once, Octavia Melody had a Really Bad Day.

She tried to fix this by spreading the Really Bad Day to the ponies who caused it.

As it happened, the scene was set for the Really Bad Day to spread hither and yon, until everypony was having it.

The history books called it "O-Day." The survivors knew it by another name.

This is not a clopfic.

Reading by ShadowOfCygnus.

* * *


Edited by GaryOak.

Chapters (1)

As it turns out, not all I do is make music. I actually have a pretty decent talent making plush pony dolls on the side. It brings in good bits... on occasion, such as this one time a little baby dragon commissioned me into crafting him a white unicorn with a blue mane to snuggle with at night.

Then one day, about a week later, I suddenly found myself with more clients. Like... a lot more clients.

Chapters (1)

"How could somepony as amazing as you not have a Special Somepony on Hearts and Hooves Day?"

With that single sentence, a thousand memories came flooding back to Cheerilee. A thousand memories of a thousand terrible dates...

Chapters (59)

How often do you fall in love with someone? Once a week? Twice maybe?

When you do, why did you fall in love with them? Was it because of the person's looks? Their personality, perhaps? The way they laugh when you tell them a funny joke? It could be anything, really.

For me, however, the reason why I fell in love with her is because of her music. The way she plays her musical instrument captivates me. Whenever I hear her play, it bounds me on the spot. She plays it with such feeling, with such strong emotions that you yourself can feel it.

There is more to her than just her music, too.

She plays the cello, by the way. Oh, and she's a pony.

This takes place on earth, ponies on earth, to be exact. Got the idea when watching the Piano Guys live. Hope you folks will enjoy this.

Cover art by the supreme dracontiar.

Chapters (1)

A bottle of Cider? Bottle of White?

Even after all these years, even though he loved her but she loved another, he'll meet her anytime she wants.

In a Canterlot Restaurant.

Pre-Read/Edited by Sharp Spark. Inspired by Billy Joel's magnum opus.

Part of the Royals-Verse. Takes place after Royals, but before its (soon to be published) Sequel.

Chapters (1)

Seriously, a lot.

(Now with a Spanish translation by the generous SPANIARD KIWI!)

Chapters (2)

Apple Bloom has a very important classroom duty, at least according to Miss Cheerilee.

Second place winner in the January Writeoff - All In

Chapters (1)

Part one of the Yearbook

Fluttershy never thought of herself as an adventurer, but when opportunity arises, she sets out to the frozen north— the land of Arctica. This journey must be undertaken without her friends, but that doesn't mean they can't help her along a little on the way.

Still, Fluttershy has no idea what strange things lurk in the north...

Chapters (3)

Applejack tries to write a love letter. She mostly fails. A TwiJack story, set somewhere in early Season 4.

Chapters (1)