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Great and Powerful Trixie lands the performance opportunity of a lifetime. A kingdom and all its riches are hers - as long as her audience doesn't kill her first.

An entry for the 2024 May Pairings contest.

Chapters (1)

A soul mate is a rare and precious gift.


Celestia isn't so sure about hers.

A participant in the 2020 Pride and Positivity event. Help support pride, equality and LGBT+ by donating to any of the following charities!

Black Lives Matter - Where to Donate
Support Black People MasterDoc

Inspired by AlphaRidley's I'd like to soulmate with you.

Art by StarBlaze25.

Chapters (5)

Cozy Glow hates working in this stupid coffee shop, but she hates one particular recurring customer just as much. Even if that mare is the one who got her this job in the first place.

A comission for the one and only Shaslan! Want a comm? Please read this!

Art was done by the very lovely Cereal!

Chapters (1)

Not too far from the Castle is a small statue garden, filled with villains whose friendship problem was unsolvable, even for Twilight.

The least of these is Cozy Glow.

Twilight finally decides to show mercy and to make one more attempt at reformation; however, knowing that the problem is beyond her, she entrusts it to a younger princess.

Speed-written for TheLegendaryBillCipher in the Quills and Sofas Christmas Fic Exchange

Link to coverart!

Now with a reading by StraightToThePointStudio!

Chapters (1)

Featured on March 20th, 2014 Thanks guys!
Thanks to Captain Bron3y for doing a dramatic reading.

"When I die, nopony will say ‘it’s a shame’ or ‘I’ll miss her’. They’ll say ‘good riddance’

But even so, at least they know who I am. What really scares me is that when I die, nopony will remember me at all. I’m just a nameless face. An unmarked grave. At my funeral, will anypony cry?"

When Trixie takes her own life, she sends her final letter to the closest thing she's ever had to a friend.

[Author's Note: I'm sorry the description is so darn terrible. They're harder to write than the story! Thanks to Princess-Glitzy for figuring out whom the cover art belongs to!]

19/3/14 - Oooh! I see myself on the popular stories list! It may not be very high up, but yay! EDIT: Eeek! It made third place! Oh my gosh! You guys! It made first place on the Popular Stories list. Not sure that will last long, but hooray! Yes, I know it has no real significance!

20/3/14 - Oh my goodness! I feel like I'm accepting an Oscar or something. It was such a wonderful surprise to log on and see people congratulating me on getting featured, even if I did miss its time in the spotlight. This is an honour I never thought I'd have the privilege to accept.

Chapters (1)

After the once Great and Powerful showmare Trixie Lulamoon fails to take her own life, she falls into a comatose state, and shows no signs of waking up any time soon.

Twilight Sparkle vows not to leave Trixie's side until she wakes up. If she wakes up at all.

Warning: This is a sadfic. It does not have a happy ending. You have been warned.

Chapters (1)

Some questions have easy answers. Why Applejack never revealed her feelings for Twilight was a question like that. When she discovers that her reasons were wrong, what she should do next seems like it should be, too. However, some questions are more difficult to answer than they first appear.

Editing by bookplayer, Jake R, and JetstreamGW.

Chapters (1)

While visiting Canterlot with Limestone, Marble runs into an energetic pony who could match her twin in cheerfulness. And she's cute. And wants to talk to her. And cute.

Naturally, Marble explodes from shyness.

Pre-read by: Timaeus
Ch. 1 Audio Reading by TheCaptainSand - Scarlett Blade

Chapters (12)

For some reason, Twilight and Rainbow Dash's friends think they're dating even if they show absolutely no signs of doing so! They were just really close friends...

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash is many things. Awesome, radical, amazing, and at least twenty percent cooler than any other pony in Equestria.

She is also lost, lonely and uncertain. Not that anypony else would know.

During the day she is everything everypony expects her to be: she is fast, daring, and adventurous, but when the sun goes down, she is left alone with her thoughts. Tired of simply yearning for something more, she sets out on a night of soul searching and stumbles onto a friend in need, and maybe, underneath the vanilla twilight, she finds something more.

Chapters (2)