• Member Since 2nd Dec, 2011


Meow. I'll come back and fill this in eventually.

Favourites 634 stories
  • Favourites 634 stories - 734 unread chapters
    Created by ibneko
    - October, 2014
Found 554 stories in 70ms

Total Words: 22,190,990
Estimated Reading: 8 weeks



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When a colt named "Bad Dude" storms into Celestia's personal study and declares himself as her latest arch enemy, the Princess can't help but nearly gush from the sight. As perhaps the cutest villain Celestia has ever encountered, she hurriedly calls for Luna to meet him as well.

But is there more to "Bad Dude" than his cute exterior would suggest?

No. No there is not.

Now with a youtube reading! HERE!

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to The Definitive Guide to Pony Anatomy - Starring Princess Celestia and Princess Luna


'Do not trust an alicorn who weighs any less than her operating manual' - Author of this Guide

Sometimes your alicorn throws a temper tantrum and runs around the house turning off all the lights while declaring herself a new breed of adorable evilness. Sometimes sibling squabbles leave you with a tearful alicorn refusing to raise the moon and allow the day to end. Keep calm and read this guide. This guide will walk you through how to safely contain evil dark pony overlords using readily available household implements such as the humble cardboard box. And if all else fails, it will at least help you make effective use of the astrophysics of alicorn anatomy to manually override the raising, lowering and general joyriding of various celestial bodies.

Published by the Royal Canterlot Publishing House for the Royal Equestrian Diplomatic Mission to Earth. For human audiences only. No alicorns (or humans) were harmed in the making of this guide.

Contains: Princess Luna being generally mischievous and adorable for Hearthswarming Eve. Also contains cardboard. Surprisingly does not contain any bubblewrap for once.

This is a standalone story, but it does sort of have a 'previous episode' you can read here. Reading it is not required to enjoy this particular story, but it's a fun short read in its own right.

Sort of my Christmas fic. I decided to get it done early as I'll be working this Christmas. Again. Happy Hearthswarming, everyone!

Chapters (1)

Thief. Assassin. Sister. When her secret was revealed during the Battle of Canterlot, it shocked her friends, but Jade's story hid a darker past than they could guess.

Important Note: this story is a prequel to The Empty Room. You do not need to read it to understand this story, but bear in mind it happens entirely in a pre-Season 2 AU which has different situations (and some characters) than those that came up in canon after TER was completed.

Special thanks to Burraku_Pansa for sticking around and helping me bounce ideas, and helping me make sense of my own rantings while feverishly writing. Cover art by the amazing Rametep!

Chapters (8)

The village had been perfect, free from the inequality and misery rampant throughout the rest of Equestria. Then Twilight Sparkle and her so-called friends arrived and ruined everything.

But all hope is not lost. Starlight Glimmer has a plan to restore her lost utopia on a much vaster scale.

After all, it's not like that purple princess was friends with anything worse.

Story contains spoilers for the Season 5 premiere, nonspecific allusions to torture, and nuts. Story does not contain Nikita Khruschev or shoes.

Chapters (1)

Following his tumultuous defeat, King Sombra is flung across space and time to exit out a human's malfunctioning toaster. For weeks, Sombra monologues his revenge to destroy those that hurt him. But seven months later, when a route back to Equestria is found, does he not seem all that interested in returning.

Edited by spigo.

Prequel: The Roommate From Tartarus
Side Sequel: (Not My) Home Sweet Home

Update: labelled as complete. The last three chapters will remain as bonus chapters.

Chapters (19)

This story is a sequel to Sombra The Highly Unmotivated

Following his tumultuous defeat, King Sombra is flung across space and time to exit out a human's malfunctioning toaster. Forced to live together, the only question becomes which one will kill the other first?

Edited by spigo.

Cover image by Charliehorse.

A collection of shorts detailing the first seven months of Sombra's and Steve's rather rocky relationship. Disregarding the first few chapters, this one will be a lot more slice of life than the original story.

Update: labelled as complete. Honestly can't see myself adding anymore chapters in the near future.

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Sombra The Highly Unmotivated

Over a year ago, Twilight Sparkle, Discord and four million other ponies escaped from an alternate Equestria on the verge of collapse, hoping to start a new life on Earth.

While many have started to adapt to a world full of humans, Twilight still has trouble calling the place home. Trying to correct this, Discord arranges for the pair to spend a night out on the town.

If only someone had warned drunken human Arthur Mitchell about the dangers of insulting ponies in front of Discord.

Edited by spigo.

Chapters (6)

Obiter dicta -- things said in passing.

A collection of short stories, vignettes, and delete scenes, mostly based in the Civil Serviceverse and tending to be either slice of life or comedy. Also contains contest entries including FanOfMostEverything's Imposing Sovereigns.

Currently contains:

1. An Afternoon For Dotted Line [slice of life] [comedy]
2. The Game The Princesses Play [comedy]
3. On the Inaccuracy of Proverbs [slice of life] [comedy][sad]
4. The Nature of War [history]
5. On Forensic Accounting & Choral Singing [comedy]
6. Hoofprints [human][sad]
7. Dr. Spinning Top—Specimen Annotated Daily Schedule [slice of life]
8. Love and Other Acquired Tastes [comedy][sad]
9. Any Other Business? [comedy]
10. Songs Like Snow [romance]
11. Civics [comedy]
12. The Other Princess [slice of life] [comedy]

Chapters (13)

Princess Cadance's first diplomatic post to the City-State of Cloudsdale is off to a rocky start, as she deals with a mysteriously intransigent sitting ambassador, the damnable ever-present pegarazzi, and an insatiable alicorn metabolism that just won't quit. But even the coldest of cities can hide places of warmth and friendship to help you get back on your hooves after a fall, and on one bitter night, Cadance finds hers in a little place called "Posey's."

Part of the "Cadance of Cloudsdale" cycle, now with both group and TVTropes page. Pre-reading assistance by SR Foxley, horizon, Murcushio, and Axis of Rotation. Cover art by Andy Price (lines) and NadnerbD (colors).

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to It's a Dangerous Business, Going Out Your Door

The great adventure achieved its goal. Twilight Sparkle was cured of her deadly horn rot, her friends came back safely, and everything can go back to normal.

Except, of course, that such an upheaval is never truly forgettable. It leaves its mark on all who take part in it, touching and changing them in ways they may not, at the time, completely understand. Like the pressure in the earth that turns coal into diamonds, the stresses of disaster--or its near aversion--alter the natures of ponies, and alter the relationships between them. Twilight Sparkle, on a seemingly ordinary day, is about to learn that first hand.
This story has been floating around since shortly after Dangerous Business' completion. At the time, I envisioned it as the first in what would be a whole cycle of stories, building up to a monumental, multi-story tale very similar to what eventually became Besides the Will of Evil. It's not quite 'canon' to BTWOE--for one thing, Twilight and Spike's relationship here isn't what it is in there, since the later clarifications by the showrunners were taken into account with the later story. However, I like to think that the spirit of this story still informs the later, larger story. Astute readers will also see a clarification of something that was only hinted at in BTWOE. I hope old readers enjoy their fond memories, and that new readers enjoy what has long been a fan favorite.

Chapters (1)