• Member Since 2nd Dec, 2011


Meow. I'll come back and fill this in eventually.

Favourites 634 stories
  • Favourites 634 stories - 734 unread chapters
    Created by ibneko
    - October, 2014
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Total Words: 22,190,990
Estimated Reading: 8 weeks



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This story is a sequel to Nuzzle Locked

While enjoying Movie Night out with the girls, Twilight Sparkle discovers what it feels like to snuggle somepony. She then makes the logical next step: attempting to distill cuddles into portable, consumable form. Rainbow Dash just happens to be the test subject... erm... f-for science, of course.

Cover Art by Captainpudgemuffin
This Completes the Pudge Pony Nuzzling Trilogy

Chapters (15)

Queen Chrysalis and her horde of changelings have invaded Equestria, and all ponydom is doom. But buck that noise. Pinkie and Maud Pie need to win Rainbow Dash a Daring Do plushie.

Chapters (1)

The picture from the cover inspired me to this story. And this morning, I wrote it down. I don't have an Editor and that means there will be grammatic errors. I just hope they are not so big to destroy the story totally...

Twilight has to go to the Crystal Empire to help Cadance with her Baby Shower! But she can't just leave the library alone and Spike is coming with her. But Rainbow Dash has time and as the loyal friend she is, keeps an eye on everything. Twilight warned her to NOT go in the basement. But Rainbow, the Daredevil she is, can of course not resist...

The Magical Baby Carriage

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Twilight Sparkle And the Very Confusing Day

There were a few loose ends after Discord, who had turned into Eris, had gone into season and turned the entire world upside down in order to create enough chaos for favourable draconequus breeding conditions. Celestia had released the Flutterbeast upon Eris, restoring order and gender normality all over the globe.

Except not everypony and everybody changed back. Males who became mares and became pregnant, stayed mares, Eris' final parting gift of confusion and chaos in the world.

Both of the sexes are now so much more aware of each other's needs following the events of the Great Swap, and Eris' chaos had the unintentional side effect of creating a new level of harmony in the world, as suddenly everypony and everybody now had first hoof (or firsthand) experience in being the opposite sex.

Eris going into season also created the ideal conditions for the apocalypse.

Edit: Featured on Sunday, April 20th, 2014! Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh!

Chapters (9)

Now with 23% more sequel!

Twilight and her friends all get together for a sleepover, looking forward to some well deserved downtime. Discord arrives, standing outside in the rain, pleading for entrance and to come in out of the weather. Twilight Sparkle insists that this is a mares only sleepover, so Discord does the only thing he can do, doing the unthinkable to gain entry.

Once inside, Discord, now Eris, tries to bond with the mane six and learn the magic of friendship.

The mane six fail to take into account the magic of Discord.

Now featured on April 16th, 2014. Thank you all so very much!

Chapters (5)

It is a little-known fact that all living beings are born with a finite amount of bucks to give. It is little-know due to the fact that most ponies will die long before all of their bucks could been given. But Twilight Sparkle seems to give a buck about everything, and she's depleting her storage far too quickly. This is what happens when Twilight Sparkle runs out of bucks.

inspired by the youtube video: "Not Giving A F**k" by JonLajoie

Chapters (9)

"My name is Lyra Heartstrings, and you will not remember me. You won't even remember this conversation. Just like with everypony else I've ever met, everything I do or say will be forgotten. Every letter I've written will appear blank; every piece of evidence I've left behind will end up missing. I'm stuck here in Ponyville because of the same curse that has made me so forgettable. Still, that doesn't stop me from doing the one thing that I love: making music. If my melodies find their way into your heart, then there is still hope for me. If I can't prove that I exist, I can at least prove that my love for each and every one of you exists. Please, listen to my story, my symphony, for it is me."

Cover pic by Spotlight: askspotlight.tumblr.com

Chapters (20)

Do you need to know what texture an apple's skin has to be in order to be sure that it's ripe? There's an app. for that! Ever wondered how many apples it would take to fill the cement foundation of a skating rink? There's an app. for that too! Ever felt like having an adoracute hologram with orange freckles that you could summon at any moment to chat with you in a charming country accent? Well...

When Twilight Sparkle donates a bunch of crystalline "smart-watches" to the citizens of Ponyville, she unwittingly includes a free download of a holographic Applejack with each prototype. Now the entire town is enamored with utilizing their helpful little neighborhood apple pony. The only thing is... would the real Applejack approve of all this?

Cover art by Fozzywig

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to If I Could Catch Fuzz In a Bottle

Twilight Sparkle enlists Rainbow Dash's help in a "Fuzzy Muzzle Nuzzle" research project. The experiment only has three steps. That's not too much to ask of a close friend, is it?

Written for the artist CaptainPudgeMuffin on their birthday, and using their cover art.

Chapters (1)

She’s the loyalest of friends and most dependable of ponies; how could anypony not fall in love with Applejack? In fact, so much of the town has found themselves under her seductive spell, they’ve formed a secret society to help each other cope with their unbridled lust. Operating in seclusion, this group has been an unseen staple of Ponyville. Surely, though, nothing good can come of the mare herself discovering the existence of Applejack Anonymous.

Cover pic by the inimitable Mr. Snowpony.

Chapters (8)