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Kuno, a young changeling, is left weak, bloodied, and bruised after the events of the Canterlot wedding. She is soon discovered by Warden, a Royal Guard. But for some reason, Warden shows her mercy. Instead of taking her into the custody of the Royal Guard, he becomes both her captor and her savior. But over time, Kuno will come to ask herself the hardest question she has ever pondered: Can a changeling feel love?

Chapters (16)

When a gossipy Rarity sets up the idea of using a spell to help her and Twilight find their true loves, they were biting off more than they could chew. Now these two mares will go to great lengths to change their destinies. But is all of that effort just spent spinning their wheels, or can Rarity and Twilight make their own destiny.

Story takes place between Games Ponies Play and Magical Mystery Cure.

Chapters (7)

Although she is ashamed to admit it, Rainbow Dash sleeps with a Spitfire plush. But that gets her thinking...what would it feel like to cuddle with another pony instead of a doll? Now she is determined to seek out her friends and find out.

Chapters (14)

A complete re-haul of the first story in the Harmony's Warriors cycle. Co-written to a great extent by theseventhdoctor, with additional help from JZ1 and Fedorasarecool.

Rarity Belle is well known throughout Equestria. Both as a technological genius and as Equestria's most eligible bachelorette. After a life threatening incident, she will be come the Iron Mare.

Rated Teen for Action Violence, Brief Language and Some Innuendo.

Based off the fanart and ask blogs created by Kenichi-Shinigami on deviantart. I asked permission before I started this. Cover art by Kenichi-Shinigami

Chapters (18)

This story is a sequel to The True Origin of the Cutie Mark Crusaders

A strange creature has wandered into town and ends up on Applejack's farm. AJ is not pleased but so many unanswered questions about him cause her to be curious. The dragon seems to have no family but the residents of Ponyville soon discover a link between the creature and the towns librarian.

Story Editor: bahatumay
Cover Image by: Voodoo - Tiki

Art added up to chapter 3!

Chapters (27)

Living with your mother and sister is one thing Chrysalis would never have found herself doing, but being stripped of your queen status can leave one with no choice. After countless days grueling in training and tests from her mother, Arctiidaes, she has finally proved herself worth for a final task, but there is a catch, Chrysalis must compete against her sister, Gynaephora, for right the right to become queen, and the worst of it is that she must disguise herself and attend college. The task was clear, attend college and finish successfully, but problems arise and romance is found, can Chrysalis bring herself back to her former glory? Or will she be stuck as only the princess of the changelings?

Chapters (9)

Pinkie is tired of feeling like the fat one among her group of friends. So, she decides to go on a diet. Sounds simple enough, except when she has to battle sugar cravings, the origin of her food addiction, and her friends.

Rated teen for references to things of a sexual nature but no actual sexytime. Also alcohol and food disorders.
Cover picture by JayelleCartoons

Chapters (12)

As of February 14th, 2018 this project is canceled. It is unlikely I will pick this up again however it isn't impossible.
Dim Shadow, a new colt moves into Ponyville during the beginning summer. Dim will do his best to stand up for anypony and he loves doing it, it's even his cutie mark. Dim isn't the strongest but he won't hesitate to fight to prove his point, however he won't try to start a fight. After a small quarrel at a park he precedes to the school park to be alone, hoping that there won't be anypony there, he was wrong. He hears crying and quickly rushes to source of it. Before his eyes, he see's three ponies huddled around and verbally abusing a filly; at that point he doesn't waste another second and immediately runs to assist the filly. That day will start something new for Dim.

Major thanks to BluRoseFriendship for making the cover art.

Chapters (41)

When Rainbow dash is turned in to a foal by a strange new plant in the Everfree Forest, it will be up to Fluttershy to take care of her, will this help them become closer as friends or more, or will they fall apart.

Chapters (16)

Black Star is a rare talent in the field of black magic. After many years of study she is on the verge of something amazing, tantalizing and by many thought to be impossible. The summoning of a spirit from another realm. If she succeeds, this new spirit will be the first to grace the world since the six in the beginning of time. From the shadows her benefactor is looking on with interest. But is this really the ultimate goal of the research she's been put in charge of? Come with me into the world of Spectrum, and follow the lives and adventures from several walks of life. There are influential ponies from the military, the spirit from another realm, and even a little family from North Bay, all trying to survive what the world throws at them.

Before we begin, I have to warn sensitive readers that the story centers on a sensitive subject; the exploitation of others in some form or another. The gore in the story is mostly light, but the dark and tragedy tags are not on this story by accident. There are some pretty grim moments, but there will be a light at the end of the tunnel. I think... maybe...

PS: This is a story in the same universe as True Colors. But it is intended as a standalone story... for now… okay it will intertwine with True Colors but can still be read on its own.
PS nr2: Twilight and Nightmare Moon are background ponies in the story, but the while be popping up every now and again.

(Original image from deviantart: Fleur-de-Lisby by =Raidiance)

Chapters (36)