• Member Since 5th Mar, 2014

Dream Seeker

Well, I just figured out how to do a short bio! So, yeah.

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Total Words: 14,723,407
Estimated Reading: 5 weeks



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"Despite his ferocious appearance, Emperor Spike is a kind and fair ruler."

"Our Lord may be a dragon, but he united us under a single banner and protect us from harm."

"You can only rule with either fear or love, he took the hard way and chose to rule with love."

Spike, The Crystal Emperor, is loved and respected by all his subjects, rightfully so. But what drove him to become what he is today?

*If you are feeling generous you can buy me a Ko-Fi!!

*Short One-Shot*
**Cover Art doesn't belong to me but I had the permission to use it, go visit the creator and the artist that color it**

Chapters (2)