• Member Since 11th May, 2013


The Barcast Podcast Host. I also go by the name Milk. I like to read, I proof read and edit, and I drink. A lot.

Finished 917 stories
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Total Words: 8,431,540
Estimated Reading: 3 weeks



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Scootaloo's an orphan, let's get that fact out of the way. She lives in a cardboard box and it's rad as heck.

She also does other orphan stuff.


Big ups to Norse Pony for his editing work.

Chapters (1)

Love is certainly a funny, wonderful thing. Cadance never expected it to grow into something so painful for her.

Try as she might, she can't hide it forever, not from herself, and certainly she can't hide it from her husband...

Chapters (1)

Living in a studio apartment has its upsides. It's quiet, easy to clean, and it's all the space you really need! In fact, being in wide open spaces is kind of a problem for you, and coming home feels amazing after a grueling day outside. It's lucky you have Twilight there to make you feel comfortable and safe whenever you finally shut the door behind you.

Still, there's some part of you screaming that this safety and comfort isn't entirely a good thing. Feeling safe can't possibly be bad, can it?

Warning: This story is not a comedy, and deals with anxiety and phobia. NOT my normal fare.

Reading by Nante HERE!

Chapters (1)

Distance can drive us apart. It can also bring us closer together.

After all is said and done, and the ponies have gone their separate ways, the only way they have to keep in touch is through letters.

Original Equestria Daily post is here
Russian translation
Chinese translation
Polish translation
Spanish translation

Now with music and audiobook

Chapters (1)

Anon's dead, apparently, and Death has come to claim his soul. There's just one problem: he doesn't want to go. And there's nothing Death can do to make him.

Chapters (1)

Luna discovers a lone member of the Royal Night Guard stationed beneath her private balcony. As a question becomes a conversation, as an evening becomes a week, and as an annoyance becomes a friendship, an unfortunate truth looms large in her mind: nothing is ever as it seems, neither in dreams nor reality.

Comments contain spoilers
Edited by PresentPerfect and Grand Moff Pony

Chapters (4)

Following a Changeling attack that scatters every resident in Ponyville, Applejack holes up in her family home with only Apple Bloom for support. The doors and windows have been boarded shut. A thick fog covers everything in sight. Soon the first visitor comes to her door.

Now the only question is whether they're actually who they say they are.

Edited by spigo.

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to Silver Spanner gets her Cutie Mark

Silver Spanner's first day on the job is met with skepticism from her fellow workers—but one mare decides to give her a chance, even if she is a little bit different than most construction workers in Ponyville.

An entry for the 2015 EFNW pre-con writing contest.

Chapters (1)

After her student, Sunset Shimmer, went through the mirror, Celestia spent the following years imagining what could happen if the unicorn finally returns. She even decided to keep track of them.

In fact, she wrote a whole book about it.

Edit: 11/11/16 WTF?! Feature Box? Thank you, guys!

Chapters (1)

Like us, Ponies take their first eye exam when they become six months old. It's then that a child's place as either popular or forever scrutinized. Today, this is Flurry Heart's first eye exam, and this would bring several... weird questions by the people of Equestria.

NOT canon with the Jongojiverse. It was a thought that was in my head for a very long while.

Now with an audio reading.

Chapters (1)