• Member Since 6th Dec, 2012


Consumption is a favorite hobby of mine.

Comedy 96 stories
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A terrible affliction has befallen the peaceful town of Ponyville, and the lavender unicorn and her friends are right in the middle of it! And the edges of it. Heck, it's pretty much lavender unicorns all over.

A story unrelated to anything.

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to Hard Reset

After the events of Hard Reset Twilight's life and mental well being are slowly returning to normal. Her recovery is cut short, though, when a letter arrives informing her that the time loop spell she cast is causing severe damage to space and time itself. In over her head, Twilight tries to summon anypony who will know how to fix it. The pony she gets is the last one she ever thought she would meet... and nothing like she expected him to be.

Available in Spanish thanks to dgs1993
Series TV Tropes page

Chapters (9)

Humans in Equestria? Naa, that's been done to death. What about Ponies in Equestria?

When a clever pony from the human world finds herself in the land of intelligent Equestrian ponies, how will she react?

Chapters (1)

When Rarity is overwhelmed with making designs for an agriculture exhibition, she turns to Applejack for advice. But when she gives Applejack a hair style treatment in return, the apple farmer lets her accent slip from southern drawl to sophisticated Manehattenite. The result? More fancy parties than you can shake a candy apple at!

Chapters (1)

"Dear Princess Celestia... I hate you oh so much. Words cannot even begin to describe my contempt for your very being, but a letter will have to do."

Twilight writes an extra special letter to the princess after binge drinking for hours on end. The letter isn't about a lesson of the true meaning of friendship as the princess had come to expect. Nope, more along the lines of drunkard ranting and a copious amount of angst. Let's read it now, shall we?

Warning: Adult language.

Thanks to TheFIMguru and Mr101 for editing!

Chapters (1)

Aloe and Lotus are having a slow day at the spa, and are rather bored. When Rarity shows up by herself, and finds nopony else to talk to during her beautification, she ends up striking up a conversation with the two ponies who own the spa.

Chapters (1)

Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy were brought together by Twilight Sparkle and the magic of friendship and have had incredible experiences. But now they are trapped in a world they don't understand-Equestria. How will these five normal human girls deal with such dangers as dragons, minotaurs, parasprites, -and perhaps the most dangerous of them all,- themselves?

Art Source: http://demoncat8.deviantart.com/art/Eqg-In-Equestria-Cover-392108298

NON CANON with Season 4 and EQG 2.

Chapters (7)

Skittles are Equestria's latest trend, but when Rainbow tells Twilight that she doesn't like them, the studious unicorn comes up with a rather bizarre theory: maybe Rainbow tastes like Skittles herself, and is therefore immune to the taste. But are they ready to find out if her theory is correct?

Editing by Sharp Spark. Preread by Rasael.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle has been on Earth, and human, for nearly two weeks. It wasn’t planned, but the human girl that she stays with is at least very helpful. As her stay lengthens and the difficulty of returning to Equestria seems more and more strenuous, she tries to take it easy and research the humans and their customs. Even though she is no longer a unicorn at the moment, her pastimes and favorite hobbies remain the same. Studying always eases her mind, so a look into human mating rituals should be very interesting and therapeutic, right?

This ‘one-shot’ story is an offshoot of Merlos The Mad’s story, ‘A Twilight Landing’. It takes place eleven days into the story, just after chapter thirteen. If you read this story by itself, the jokes will still make sense. This may also be considered canon.

Cover art graciously provided by go4moo!

Additional chapters a definite possibility.

Chapters (1)

A refined mare fresh out of high school and a dropout following her dreams find themselves forced to spend a lot of time together.

With the help of a meddling psychology tutor and their new classmates, can they find what they've been looking for?

French Translation!

Fan Stuff!

Chapters (22)