• Member Since 12th Nov, 2014


I love to make storys of Pinkamena and other killers! Sometimes regular shippings! ^-^

Favourites 2 stories
Found 2 stories in 28ms
Total Words: 51,058
Estimated Reading: 3 hours



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Rainbow Dash and Applejack have been friends for a long time, but their friendship took a long time to get to where it currently is. Along with this long-grown friendship are some different kind of feelings on Dash's side. Now these feelings have grown strong enough that Dash is afraid they may ruin their friendship. After things seem to go too far, Rainbow Dash decides one stormy night that it's time to explain her feelings to Applejack. Even if it means she can never take her flying again.

Thank you to my wonderful proofreader, WhatTheMoo for helping with my story! (Chapters finished: 1-5)

Cover art done by http://willisninety-six.deviantart.com/

Chapters (18)

Pinkie and Discord pull the mother of all pranks on the rest of the Mane Six and sit back to enjoy the reactions. What happens when they decide that maybe it should be more than a prank...?

Chapters (1)