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How dare she come in here like I had nothing better to do than to drop all my orders and bow to her whims! I've never barged into the weather office to demand a sunny day when one hadn't been scheduled! Where does she get off demanding things from me? It's as though she knew I would stop whatever I was doing to make her happy. The painful part was, she was right.

Chapters (1)

“What the hell?” he muttered. “What happened? He cautiously opened his eyes again.
He wasn’t in his room.
“Oh…” Soarin mumbled again, looking down at the bed beneath him.
He wasn’t in his bed.
“Oh my…” He said, his eyes snapping open as his foggy brain put two and two together.

After being discharged from the Wonderbolts and spending an interesting night with a certain rainbow-maned Pegasus, Soarin moves into a new career, Weather Control.

He has no idea what he's in for.

Now has a sequel.

Chapters (12)

Rainbow Dash's son learns that unexpected surprises may come from those we underestimate. A story on father/son bonding.

Updated with self-drawn/colored coverart.

Chapters (11)

After Twilight Sparkle discovers a new book of pick-up-lines, she wants to bring her friends closer by complimenting them with cheesy lines.

And it does more than bring them closer...

Chapters (7)

Rainbow Dash finally finds the courage to confess her love to Twilight. Unfortunately, Twilight does not feel the same way. But Rainbow Dash refuses to give up. She figures, rather than trying to steal Twilight's heart with romance and flowers, she'll take a different approach. One that is much more forward than the usual.

Note - this fic will have some sexual themes. There will be pervy Dash.

Chapters (10)

My name's Rainbow Dash. I'm Equestria's fastest pegasus, I'm the Element of Loyalty, I've saved the whole kingdom more than once, I've laughed in the face of danger, and I'm a coward. That's right, I said it. I'm a coward. I've always been sure I could do anything. Win any race, beat any opponent, complete any job. But this is something I can't outrun, outsmart, or outlast. What's causing me—the most awesome pegasus ever—so much trouble? You wouldn't believe me if I told you.

Chapters (12)

Consequences of our actions are often unforeseen. Some are harmless, some are fatal. Some are temporary, some are permanent. And then we have these.

When Rarity decides to perform a little wizardry, it should come as no surprise that things do not go as planned. One thing leads to another, and Rainbow Dash ends up with a stallion that looks, acts, and thinks like her to deal with. Will hilarity ensue? Will relationships form? Will Twilight just clone everypony else and get it over with? All very good questions. Some might even get answered. Tune in to Graphs to find out!

I believe gender-bent characters belong to that Trotsworth fellow. Cover brought to you by roselladoll1. She seemed to express consent for its use. Heartfelt thanks and whatnot to those two.

Chapters (12)

Dusk Shine has dealt with many trails throughout his life. From clashing with Nightterror Nebula to outwitting the mischievous Eris to thwarting King Nymphamos’s invasion, he'd seen it all.

All in all, Dusk Shine would admit that life was hardly easy. And now, Dusk finds that his mentor's self loathing is the least of his problems as he finds himself thrust into a world where he and his friend... are mares?

edited by Saylux and OverlordCornutt

Chapters (5)

Twilight and her five friends are transported during a botched spell, across dimensions to... Ponyville, Equestria? But not the same one that they knew. Sitting on a bench is Harpsy and Babar. The Doctoress avoids apples from an aspiring Applebuck. And in a library across town, six stallions join their forces as they try to decipher the appearance of filly look-alikes of themselves around Ponyville!

Chapters (12)

What would you do, if you met a pony who was at once your brother, and yet not? Applebuck wishes to reunite with his 'Cousin JayJay', and braves the dimensional divide to reach his goal. But being a small foal, how will he deal with a world in which everything is flipped? His friends, his family, and even... himself?

Chapters (6)