• Member Since 4th Dec, 2014


I'm really a newbie when it comes to writing fanfics, but I'm just here to share my MLP-based stories.

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I don't belong here. These aren't the people I grew up with. My hopes and dreams, my culture, my very identity, could not be further from theirs. The only thing we have in common is body type, and even that is only superficial.

I was never even supposed to be here. I had never meant to take this shape, and certainly not so easily. I didn't plan on staying so long, on getting so lost in this world, in this universe. Seriously, how far off the beaten track do you have to get before you're in a completely different universe? I'll tell you how far; far enough that you'd never make it back if you didn't turn around the split second you showed up.

But I didn't know that, did I?

I don't owe these people anything. Their planet is only a speck of dust in a raging cyclone. I don't have a single molecule in common with this entire frelling universe. I've never owed them a damned thing.

So why am I about to give them everything?

Written for Equestria Daily's Writer's Training Grounds.

Chapters (1)

I only began living a few weeks ago. Before that, I was... well, it's hard to explain. But what is more important is where I am now, what I am now.

I'm starting over. Rather, I'm just plain starting. I have no power, no one to assist me, no connections to this world. It's just me.

And, of course, my stories.

Chapters (1)

Starlight Glimmer awaits her punishment at the hooves of Twilight Sparkle and her friends.

Chapters (1)