Favourites 53 stories
  • Favourites 53 stories - 45 unread chapters
    Created by Axis
    - December, 2014
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After being abandoned by her friends during christmas, Sunset Shimmer wanders the cold streets of town, alone, and with nowhere to go. After walking for hours, she eventually gives into the elements around her, only to be saved at the last second by the last ones she ever thought would help her.

Meanwhile, the truth about Anon-A-Miss has come out, and her five friends are desperately trying to find her so they can apologize for what they have done.

Chapters (19)

Sunset Shimmer believes that she will never live down what she did at the Fall Formal. She turned into a she demon and tried to use the students to take over Equestira. She knows that she made mistakes and wants to get past them, but no one will let her. Everyday, she is reminded of how hated she is and how she tore friends apart. Sunset decides that she can't take it anymore and tries to end it all.

Lucky for her, she is saved by a mysterious boy who promises to help her fix her reputation. Sunset decides to entertain the idea, and accepts his help.

I came up with the idea before Rainbow Rocks, but just never put pen to paper. Expect this to conflict with the movie.

Featured on 5/24/15, 7/19/15, and 5/22/16! Thanks to everyone who's ever read this story!

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to Shimmering Sunset

( The picture is from the site Derpiboo. I do not own it and I will take it down on the artist's request. )

You've been going to CHS for about two to three weeks now after moving from Hoofington. So far life have been anything but normal as you learned more and more about Sunset and her friends.

Though you and Sunset have gotten closer the past few days, something holds you back from asking the human pony out.

But will the presence of the three strangers you ran into the day you saved Sunny's life, especially a certain blue colored one, completely turn your world upside down and change your feelings and world forever?

More importantly, will you fall for the Siren's song or retain your freedom?

WARNING: Gore tag may or may not be added as the story develops. It depends on how I decide for it to go.

(Rated T for teen for obvious reasons. Swearing, possible fighting, arguing, mind control, dark magic, high school drama. The usual stuff you face everyday at school ya know?)

Chapters (6)

In the magical land of Equestria, two alicorn sisters raise the Sun and the Moon every day to give the world a night and day cycle, basic for the survival of life. There are also two alicorns who rule over two very core aspects of life and harmony itself. Those are Love and Friendship. While not as ancient as the two sisters, all princesses are essential to the world's balance.
This balance is also sustained by the hard-working ponies, who make the seasons change and manage the weather to fit their needs, so everypony has enough food and water, and every animal is also attended to assure that any of them are caught in the changes of seasons.

But what about the planet itself? What about Mother Nature?
This is the question that Gaia asks when she arrives to this foreign world. After so much work her son persuaded her to take a long vacation in Equestria, saying that she needed one and assuring her that he would be in charge now, and she must take a break. But what can a several billion-year old alicorn possibly do to pass her time in this land?

(SimEarth/MLP Crossover)
(Timelife of Gaia's life 'till the start of the story)

Chapters (36)

Have you ever heard of a mare named Faust? She's an Alicorn, just like the Princesses, but not a princess herself. Some say she's a queen, some say she's their mother. The truth, well... she's really overworked. And with her duty as The Equestrian Archivist she has a pretty demanding job. But what happens when this overworked alicorn decides that she wants to take a vacation in Ponyville? Furthermore, what'll happen when she skips out on her job to take that vacation?

(My first story! A different take on Fausticorn, I've seen her given a general persona that just doesn't seem like what I saw in the original art. So here's my idea of what she might be like. Tags will be added as the story continues.)

HOLY.... F-Featured on December 21 2014! Thanks guys! That is amazing!

Chapters (37)

Everypony enjoys myths and ponytales, even if they know such things aren't real. Alicorns fighting against a spirit of chaos? An ancient princess trapped in a library under a tree, waiting to be found? Quite enchanting and fantastic tales yes, but nonetheless as fictional as Daring Do and other such stories. At least, that's what Rarity used to think.

She doesn't anymore.

Dedicated to Annuska for being as amazing a writer as she is a friend.

Now a physical book!!!
Based on an old oneshot.
Chapter Art by Arctic Waters // Graphic Design and Typography by Swan Song.

Chapters (46)

Idol Hooves holds a special place in Equestria. He's probably the only exiled changeling to serve in the Royal Guard, or at least, that's what he expects, as exiles don't really broadcast that fact. However, it's well known that Princess Celestia loves all of her little ponies, and her guards perhaps more so, and that makes it one of the best ways for a changeling to discreetly feed.

But how does a changeling even get there, let alone get exiled in the first place? For that matter, why would it ever go to Canterlot? Set a number of years before the series proper, before Luna’s redemption, Idol details how he was exiled, the ponies he’s met, and the series of misadventures that led him to joining the Royal Guard, and should continue a good ways into the series, as something of an alternate perspective.

Soon, he’ll have to deal with a boisterous new princess to serve and a royal wedding in the works bringing a third to power. Will his old instincts bring this new life crashing down around him? What precipitates Chrysalis’s ill-fated assault on Canterlot? Is it really so wrong for a changeling to enjoy good craftsmanship to an obsessive degree?

New cover art provided by the fantastic Carnifex

And a TVTropes page here.

And an Ask Blog of questionable canonity!
Out of Idol Curiosity

Fanart by Norad2! Major thanks! Short For a Royal Guard

Art by Egophiliac of Idol and his Daring Duckie Please don't tell him what that brush is meant for.

Rating updated to (T), it's a bit darker than (E)
Comedy Tag added as well
And changed the character tags a bit.

Chapters (74)

The wedding was a disaster, but the changelings were defeated. The only real price paid was a mare's trust in her friends and family. Now she will seek out a new path in life, teaming up with an exile and a music loving DJ, the group will forge a new destiny in life.

Chapters (8)

Back before you left your old school, you didn't take jack sh*t from nobody. You didn't start anything with anybody, but you weren't a pushover. When you transfer to Canterlot High however, you're left as the new kid and you meet your worst challenge yet.

This story is told in the 2nd person. So don't take any dialogue seriously. I realize that some bits of dialogue can be offensive or straight up mean.

Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to The Mare of the Night

It's been six months since Starlight Nightflier, batpony prostitute, was hired to be the conversation partner of UN ambassador Daniel Habbuck. Since then, she's gained a new job, a new home, and a new future for her beloved son.

But that's not enough for Starlight. She wants to be more than just a friend to Daniel. Much more. But something's holding her back. Something from her past that refuses to die...

A collaboration between moi and Comrade_Pony

Special thanks to AidenHeaven, HolyStreak, KG472, zxzxzxzxzx24, and NarlepoaxIII for proofreading and editing!

Cover image source: Link

Chapters (6)