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After the battle of the bands, Twilight has been thinking over many things regarding the Dazzlings. She feels that she failed in her duty as Princess of Friendship not just because she didn't figure everything out, but also due to the fact she just left the Dazzlings alone. When she defeated Sunset she gave her friends, but Twilight just watched as the Adagio, Aria, and Sonata ran off the stage. Don't they also deserve another chance?

Twilight has decided to make it her mission to fix this mistake, and she hopes Sunset Shimmer will help her. She also hopes the two of them can improve their friendship.

After the battle of the bands, things have been different and better for Sunset Shimmer. However, there are a couple of things on her mind still. The main one being how she wants things to be better between her and Twilight. After all, Sunset knows she owes the purple pony princess everything. She also feels like they didn't really get to know each other better last time Twilight came to the human world.

When Twilight mentions a mission for the two of them will this be the chance Sunset wanted to improve things? Also how deep will their relationship grow if it grows in the first place? Also what happened to the Dazzlings afterwards anyways?

Featured Jan. 6, 2015 (even if only for an hour or so).

Chapters (20)

It's been two and a half years since Twilight Sparkle returned from the other world, leaving Sunset Shimmer in the company of the alternate group of friends she made. However, not all has gone well for her one-time rival in the other world. On the night of the 30th moon, Sunset emerges from the mirror and uses an ancient relic to switch their bodies. Alone in the care of Sunset's overbearing ex-tutor, Twilight uncovers the forgotten past that drove her rival to such desperation, while back in Ponyville, Sunset struggles with Twilight's lifestyle clashing with her own dreams.

Proofreaders: RTStephens, Winter Solstice, The Albinocorn, Dartrunner and NightWolf289.
Cover art: FallingRain22

Featured by Twilight's Library September 2014.
Featured on Equestria Daily

Chapters (16)