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When Rainbow Dash finds her thoughts colliding, she decides to go to her friends for some advice. What she discovers is the every one of them keeps a diary to help them sort things out, so with a brave face and a second-hoof notepad, Dash does just that. What follows is an account of her life - warts and all - her friends, her job, Tank, a very special mare, and her dreadfully embarrassing parents. So, what is it like to be the Element of Loyalty? You're about to find out!

(Warning, Applejack x Rainbow Dash shipping!)

Chapters (9)

“Hey RD! Come pick me up at the ’Acres at seven. We’re goin’ on a date tonight.”


Applejack seems determined, Rainbow Dash tries to catch up.

Original Story idea by Tchernobog and Steel Resolve.
Title, pre-reading/editing assistance, and an apple cart full of awesome ideas courtesy of Tchernobog.
Post edit pre-reading by Zaphod.

Proudly part of bookplayer's AppleDash Primer; Featured on Equestria Daily 10/09/13

Scene markers were created from these.

Original vector by Are-you-jealous modified with permission.

Chapters (1)

It's obvious to everypony, themselves included, that Applejack and Rainbow Dash have romantic feelings for one another. The only reason they're not together is that they're both convinced that a relationship between them could never work out. Rarity, on the other hoof, is convinced that it could, and Rainbow Dash agrees to a 'three date trial' to prove her wrong...

Many thanks to Ruhje for the amazing cover art!

Original (OLD) version here.

Chapters (6)

Applejack discovers a dark secret about Rainbow Dash.

She can't cook.

Out of the kindness of her heart, Applejack tries to teach Rainbow Dash a few basic recipes. But what starts as a cooking lesson soon turns into a bit more than that, especially when sparks start to fly - both figuratively and literally. Through this culinary misadventure, Applejack and Dash quickly discover that the potential exists for them to become more than just friends.

But will this relationship prove successful, should they choose to pursue it? What will their friends and Applejack's family think? Will Dash to actually learn how to cook? Only time will tell...

(An AppleDash shipfic, just to clarify. Originally a one-shot, now expanding to a full story.)

Chapters (10)

The unicorn and the pegasus Twilight and Fluttershy have a nice friendly sleepover at Twilight's library. As the event progresses, it escalates into something better than they could hope for.

Chapters (3)