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This story is a sequel to A Changeling Builds a House in the Everfree Forest

The venerable lords of cinders return once more to Ponyville to attend a 'welcome-to-Ponyville' party. Zarathon hopes to announce his vassalization of Ponyville during these favorable circumstances. Mute is there to support his fellow Lord in this quest. However, Ponyville might not be as receptive as Zarathon thought to the idea of having a pebble liege-lord, and neither Mute nor Zarathon can feel the encroaching darkness from the Everfree forest.

(The death tag was added due to the brief mention of death in the story. The sex tag was added due to the mention of lust and suitors. I think at least that is how these tags are meant to be applied due to the content of the story. There is no explicit scene of death or sex in this story.)

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to A Changeling Goes to the Market

After the strange event at the market, Ponyville is on edge. Some ponies call for the capture of the strange bug-pony and others are simply too scared to go and talk to it. Twilight decides to head into the Everfree to find the bug-pony and talking pebble. She learns some strange things about them in the process.

(Featured on 2021-12-02 and marked as hot on 2021-12-03. Thank you.)
(Both this story and its prequel is on the featured feed on 2021-12-03. That is seriously high praise and I am so happy you enjoyed these two stories.)

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Witch of Canterlot

Sunset Shimmer needs a vacation. She doesn't feel she can really match the accomplishments of the ponies around her, and even though she knows leaving Canterlot is just running away from her problems for a while, maybe it's what she needs to get her head back in the game.

Griffonstone needs someone to save it. The griffons won't ever admit that, but it isn't half the city it used to be. The birds still in town do everything they can to leave, and the whole place is ravaged by terrible gale-force winds.

The earth roars! The heaven howls! The crowds cry out for a hero! Can Sunset really end a curse that's lingered for generations?

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to The Witch of the Everfree

Saddle Arabia is a land of mysteries and ancient legends, and Sunset Shimmer sees it as a great place to escape from her mistakes for a while. What caused her to flee Equestria, and can she find a way to prove herself and win back the favor of the ponies she wronged?

More importantly, can she avoid starting a war?

I'd like to thank all my followers, fans, and patreon subscribers. Without all of you, I'd be worse off in every way.

Chapters (18)

Pincer is a changeling, a proud soldier of Queen Chrysalis. After the failed invasion of Canterlot, he finds himself trapped and at the mercy of Princess Celestia's Royal Guard. Believing that Celestia sees his species as nothing but soulless monsters, he prepares himself for the worst. The weeks crawl by, marked by an endless series of questions he will not answer for fear of endangering his friends and family at The Hive. As his nerves wear down and his interrogators learn just how ruthless he thinks they are, they have nothing to report but his belief that they will kill and destroy his kind without mercy.

Celestia steps in to prove him wrong, and what Pincer learns leaves him questioning everything he has ever known — but also gives him hope for what he'd never thought possible.

Cover art commissioned from http://www.demonkings.com.

Now with a TVTropes page.

Chapters (15)

Massive spoilers for A New Generation!

Sunny Starscout has helped restore unity among ponies. Even more astonishing, she has become an alicorn, a fusion of all three tribes. What does this mean for her future? In the aftermath, Sunny is visited by somepony who may be able to shed some light on that subject.

Now with an audio reading!

Featured from Oct 3-5.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to And Hell Followed

A plague ravaged Equestria, turning all of the unicorns and alicorns into bloodthirsty monsters bent on killing all the other races in a genocidal rage. A small cadre lead by the Elements of Harmony survived and persisted in Ponyville, and even managed to reverse it all at the cost of their lives.

Now Equestria must rebuild.

In Manehattan, Twilight Sparkle and Princess Luna must find a way to ease racial tensions while keeping the teetering nation safe and also rebuilding the lost trust of the little ponies of Equestria. Elsewhere, Cheerilee and Scootaloo must find their way in this new world.

There are only two options left. Rebuild Equestria stronger than ever, or be scattered to the winds of history.


Updates every Wednesday

Edited by Silver Mint

Cover art by MirAmore

Chapters (22)

The world ended.

That, at least, is what it sounded like. Screaming, howling, and then deathly silence.

A month later, Cheerilee and Scootaloo emerge from their shelter in search of food. As they search among the dead bodies of their friends, only one question comes to mind:

Where are the unicorns?


Written for the Quills and Sofas Cheerilee contest.

Featured on May 18th, 2021!

Chapters (27)