• Published 17th May 2021
  • 9,406 Views, 1,864 Comments

And Hell Followed - BaeroRemedy

The sun hangs in the sky and it hasn't moved in nearly a month. The sounds outside are enough to make you want to never figure out why.

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Cheerilee couldn’t sleep. It wasn’t uncommon these days, but this time was different. Usually her nightmares would fade after waking up the first time, but not tonight. They just never seemed to stop: fire, blasts of magic, blood, and screams. Even after something good happened, they couldn’t hold off the tide that assaulted her during sleep.

So there she was, laying on her back at four in the morning and looking up at the ceiling. Scootaloo’s head rested on the mare’s chest, right over her heart. The filly was snoring lightly and had her hind legs wrapped around one of Cheerilee’s. It was very cute, but it was of no help.

Cheerilee sighed and closed her eyes for a few minutes. Tumultuous storm clouds full of thoughts still roiled inside of her brain. The clock they were on was dwindling; they were running out of food, the unicorns were getting closer and closer, and ponies inside were getting more and more tense.

Then, like always as of late, Elytra was on her mind. The little moment between herself and the changeling had been surprising for them both. Cheerilee had acted on impulse, exhaustion, and sleep deprivation. After the few hours of rest she had managed to get, she still didn’t know how she felt about it though. Was it really how she felt or was it a spur of the moment thing driven by the need to make up for saving her life?

“I don’t know…” Cheerilee mumbled to herself with a sigh. She wasn’t sure exactly what she didn’t know, just that she didn’t know it. Maybe it was about Elytra, maybe it was about their survival.

She needed to get up. Just laying here alone with her thoughts wasn’t doing her any good. Cheerilee needed to be up and doing something to occupy her mind. Maybe a nice trot out on the balcony or something would help clear her mind.

Carefully she managed to get her way out from under Scootaloo. The filly wasn’t the heaviest sleeper usually, but the late night must’ve helped. Cheerilee repositioned one of the pillows to act as her substitute as she got to her hooves.

The lack of feeling in her front right hoof still got to her a little. Putting it to the ground and not getting the feedback of the surface at all was jarring, like when you think there’s one more stair on a staircase than there actually is and you nearly trip on air. Except it was every step now.

The schoolmare limped out of the room and made her way to Elytra’s door. Cheerilee knew that they would need to talk about what happened eventually, and there was no time like the present. Slowly, she pushed open the door and peeked inside.

Elytra was passed out on the bed, the bandages that had been on her new stump removed. In their place was a thick coating of hardened greenish black slime that covered most of the leg. Thankfully, Cheerilee couldn’t see anything through it. The last thing she needed was to see what the interior of a changeling looked like, especially Elytra. With another sigh she closed the door. That was one avenue of distraction with a roadblock.

“Cheerilee? What’re y’all doin’ up?” The mare closed her eyes and took a deep breath before turning. The last pony she wanted to deal with was Applejack, but life didn’t seem to want to make anything easy recently. “Couldn’t sleep?”

Applejack’s mane was down and unfettered by the usual red bands that kept it in order. Long flowing blonde hair spread out from her scalp like a golden waterfall. It hung around her shoulders in loose natural curls. She looked a far cry from the pony that worked on the farm all day long.

“No, not really.” Cheerilee conceded with a small huff. “Just can’t get some things out of my mind. I was hoping to distract myself, but…” She shrugged and let out a small yawn. “You?”

“Yeah, ‘bout the same.” Applejack leaned against the wall and rubbed one of her eyes as she spoke. “Was probably gonna go see if Twi was awake, got some things Ah wanna talk to her about.” That was more worrying than reassuring. The last thing Twilight needed was Applejack on her case even more.

“If she is, go easy on her.” It was all Cheerilee could do. “I know we need her, but she needs us too. Especially her friends, and I mean especially.” She pleaded with the pony across from her, whose gaze could only soften as she nodded.

“Ah know. Ah just got some questions to ask and...things to say.” AJ closed her eyes and shook her head, as if repressing something from coming out. “Ah’ll be gentle.” The only thing Cheerilee could do was take the mare’s word.

“I think I’ll be down in the kitchen getting breakfast ready.” That was something that would keep her busy, at least. “If you need me, you know where to find me.” Cheerilee and Applejack parted ways; the former heading down the stairs towards and the latter heading to Twilight’s room.

Down the stairs the teacher went, through the foyer and into the dining room. Her mind wandered as she walked, just little things about everypony in the castle still. How many had they lost? Six or seven? Too many. It made her stomach churn to think of all of the death and carnage, and just how much of it Twilight was responsible for.

Once in the kitchen proper she made her way to the door that led down to the pantry, only to find that it was already open. They always kept it closed when nopony was down there, the last thing they needed was somepony falling down those stairs.

That’s when she saw Meriwether coming up the stairs with one of their last bags of oats on her back. They only had two of those, and they needed to space them out. Bringing a whole bag up was unnecessary as some adults would skip their meal for the sake of the colts and fillies.

“Oh, hello Cheerilee.” The nerves in the former mayor’s voice did not escape the teacher. It was the same voice her students would use when caught doing something they shouldn’t. “You’re up early.” The mare came to the top of the stairs and sat the bag of oats down, a worried grin on her face.

“So are you.” Cheerilee eyed the older mare warily and stepped closer. “Any reason you’re bringing a whole bag of oats up? We’re just supposed to bring up what we need.” The grin dropped from Meriwether’s face and was replaced with an exasperated frown.

“I’m going to leave, Cheerilee.” The flat admission hit Cheerilee in the face like a frying pan. She even staggered back a bit in surprise. “I figure once I get out of Ponyville, I’ll be safer than in it.” Cheerilee’s jaw nearly hit the floor at the stream of pure stupidity flowing from the mouth of the mare. “I know the sun is dangerous, but I can make it into White Tail woods and get to the Smokey Mountains, I think. All of the unicorns in the area are in town.”

“What in the world is wrong with you?” That question rattled around Cheerilee’s head until it rocketed out of her mouth at lightning speed. She was no longer lost in her own dark thoughts, now she was just annoyed and stupefied. “You always seem to want to run back in the castle whenever there’s danger and now you want to leave?”

“I-it’s just...I don’t feel safe here with Twilight. I thought I would.” Cheerilee didn’t need Applejack’s sense of honesty to spot that lie. It was flimsy and weak, Meriwether’s voice not betraying those facts. “Sweetie Belle still has those voices in her head, or she says she does, who’s to say that Twilight doesn’t have them as well?” That was the same argument that the mare had used on Applejack last night.

“What are you?” Cheerilee asked the question. It was something that had been banging around her skull for since she and Scootaloo had arrived. “You want the Elements safe, but you want to toss Rarity out. You want to run inside all of the time, but now you want to leave. You want to keep everypony safe, but you keep running away and letting them die.” The list of contradictions was longer than that, but those were all of the ones she could list off of the top of her head. “What do you want?”

Every bit of frustration she had ever had towards the mare had bubbled up in her gut and risen into her throat. She had felt rage towards Meriwether ever since the incident with Scootaloo, before that it had been nothing more than idle frustration.

“I want to keep everypony safe! I want to be safe!” Meriwether protested as she pushed towards Cheerilee. “I have been advocating for common sense this whole time! Despite what Sunburst thought, not everything he said was logical. He got more ponies killed than anypony else!”

“No, no.” Cheerilee continued, her questions turning into a full blown rant. “I think I know what it is.” She backed Meriwether against the wall and glared at the older mare. “You’re a coward. You just want to avoid a fight.” Meriwether glared right back at her and flared her nostrils. “Why toss out Rarity? Because you didn’t want to deal with her if she turned, but you wanted everypony to think you still cared. Why leave Thunderlane when you could’ve helped? Because you didn’t even want the possibility of fighting for something.” Her voice rose to a fevered pitch as she puffed out her chest. “You know what? I bet if anypony ever ran against you for mayor, you’d concede within a week. The only fight you’ve ever won was against a changeling nopony trusted and a flightless filly.” Cheerilee flared her nostrils and furrowed her brow. “And now you’re running because you can feel another fight coming. You’d rather die out there than stand here and even try.”

Both mares glared at each other for a solid minute, neither moving an inch or even blinking. Cheerilee had all of her thoughts and fears channeled into her anger now, into the thought that this pony would abandon them and take their food with her.

Meriwether lept at Cheerilee, bowling the younger mare over and laying her flat on her back. The former mayor had more weight than the teacher. While Cheerilee had been dutifully skipping meals to make their supplies last longer, it seemed that Meriwether had not. Coupled with her injuries and general level of tiredness, Cheerilee couldn’t do much.

Soon she felt the politician straddling her chest, crushing the air from her lungs. “I...am not a coward.” Meriwether growled out as she stared down at Cheerilee with pure malice in her eyes. “I...I am doing my best. I have...I have…” Tears started to fall from Meriwether’s blue eyes and onto Cheerilee’s face. “I am not a coward! I am tired of you all treating me like I am something less than you!”

Cheerilee summoned every ounce of strength she could muster and got one of her hooves free. She smacked it upside the mayor’s head and sent the older mare to the ground. The two tumbled around the floor, growling and grunting as they pulled manes and jabbed each other as hard as they could.

At some point they got close to the stairs again and one of their hooves hit the bag. It was made of thick brown paper, like a grocery bag, and the hoof easily punctured it. Both mares looked back and watched as the bag teetered backwards, and then it tumbled down the stairs. She could hear the food inside spill out and go between the steps and hit the ground below.

Both of them finally got up and watched as it all spilled out, as it all got lost and covered in dust. Cheerilee didn’t even notice Meriwether leave, she didn’t even hear the hooves running across the floor or the front door open and shut as she just stared at half of their food supply go to waste.


“Please, Applejack, make yourself comfortable.” Twilight was sitting at her desk, a candle was lit and providing a small amount of light as she read through Sunburst’s notes. She couldn’t sleep, the taste of blood and that damned voice had made sure of that, so she decided to study what her brother’s Crystaller knew.

The shower before bed had done Twilight more than good. She felt like a real pony again, not a monster. She got all of the blood and sweat off of her coat and out of her mane and let the water wash away so many thoughts. She had been in there for what seemed like hours, crying, screaming, just letting everything out. When she had gotten out, the little dragon and the niece that she now shared her room with were already asleep.

Then Applejack had come knocking, and had almost woken up both Flurry Heart and Spike. Luckily she had shushed them back to sleep before they had woken up. Now here they both were, Twilight at her desk and Applejack sitting beside her.

“Are y’alright, Twi?” It was nice to hear AJ’s voice again not yelling at her. It was too bad that the question she asked was complicated and filled the alicorn with a dread she wanted no part of.

“To be honest, no.” They both spoke in whispers so as to not disturb the two babies asleep in the room. “Every time I close my eyes, all I see are the ponies I...I…” She cleared her throat as that word died in it and only produced bitter tears. “I see them every time I stop thinking. Every time I blink. In the silence I still hear him too, telling me to hurt them. Telling me to...to...tear down everything I built.” She couldn’t stop the tears as they came and dropped down onto the works before her, wetting the ink and smearing it.

“Ah need to know why you did it, Twilight.” There was no elaboration needed, Twilight knew what she meant. Applejack wanted to know why she killed Big Mac like that. It was the question she had been dreading since she had committed the act.

“I-I…” The words caught in her throat like so much bile. She knew the answer, but saying it out loud was too painful. The look in Applejack’s eyes, that always knowing glint, let her know that there was no lie that Twilight could give. There was no meaningful excuse. “It was to hurt you.”

“Was it you or Him that wanted to do that?” AJ’s voice stayed level and calm, betrayed only by the tears welling up in her eyes. “A-Ah need to know, sugarcube. You gotta tell me.” Twilight put her head in her hooves and she wept. She cried because the answer wasn’t one either of them would like.

“I did it, that’s what matters.” She whispered out breathlessly between sobs. Two hearts broke in time with one another, both ponies coming to grips with how much that simple admission stung. “I did it. I did what I was told. I know what I heard, what I did. I don’t know if I did it because I knew it would hurt you or because He knew. ” There was no telling which of those was the more terrifying option.

The two sat there in silence. Both shedding quiet tears as they contemplated the answer and its implications. Twilight still felt like she was a monster, and that there was nothing she could do to make up for that fact. No apology could bring back the dead, no spell could fix the nightmares these ponies would have for the rest of their days. The need for redemption was eaten alive by the cold hard facts of what happened.

“A-Ah don’t know if Ah can ever forgive you, Twilight. Ah don’t know if Ah can forget it, either.” Each word was a dagger in the heart of the princess and each one drove deeper than the last. “He was my brother, and it leaves just me and Applebloom now. There ain’t nothin’ you can do to fix it, ain’t no way to bring him back.” The pony took a deep breath and closed her eyes before speaking again. “But we gotta try to move on for now, we gotta fix this. We can come back once it’s over and we can...figure out what to do about Mac.”

“I understand, Applejack.” There would be no forgiveness in this world for her, not until she made things right. Even then, it was doubtful. How could anypony in Equestria ever forgive her for the death and destruction she had wrought? “I know it doesn’t mean anything, but I’m sorry for what I did. I’m so sorry. I’ll do whatever I can when this is over. Anything.”

“Ah’m...sorry.” It felt wrong for Applejack to be the one apologizing in this situation. “Ah know Ah wasn’t nice with you earlier as Ah shoulda been.” The sincerity in the mare’s words was just as genuine as it always had been. If the earth pony wanted to move on, then that was more than fine with Twilight. “Ah’ve been...it’s all been on my shoulders, Twi. Ah ain’t good at leadin’ and Ah’ve only gotten worse. Ah’m only so strong, and Ah ain’t strong enough to do it any longer.”

“You shouldn’t be the one apologizing, Applejack.” Twilight tapped her hoof against the desk and finally turned to face the other pony. “I don’t think anypony would do well in this situation. If there’s anypony left out there, they’re probably not faring any better.” Her jaw clenched and the wings on her back twitched in frustration. “It’s my fault any of this ever happened. I should’ve known better, I should’ve been here.” Twilight looked towards the window, the blackout curtain keeping the majority of the sunlight out. “I need to fix this.”

“Ah know a good way to start.” Applejack stood up and put a hoof on her friend’s shoulder. “First thing we need to do is move that sun, sugarcube. If it stays up there for any longer, Ah don’t know if there’ll be an Equestria to save. Ain’t nothin’ gonna grow if everything keeps burnin’.”

Twilight had attempted to use her magic after teleporting everypony inside. She had tried to turn on the shower, she had tried to open doors and lift books. Every time her horn lit up, she panicked. The idea that she might turn back into that thing invaded her mind every time she tried to use her natural gift. It was crippling.

“I don’t know if I can.” Her voice was shaking even at the thought of trying. “I-I don’t know if I even have the power-I don’t-” She was cut off by a hoof being brought up to her muzzle and determined green eyes staring into hers.

“Ah don’t need you to know, sugarcube.” Applejack’s breath steadied and she pulled Twilight up from her seat. “Ah need you to try. That’s the most important thing in the world right now, that we just try.”

“O-okay. I can try.” Twilight walked slowly over to her window, opening the curtain just enough so that the light wouldn’t land on her bed and disturb the two slumbering peacefully. That bright hot sun hit her, and she was suddenly awash with memories of being out there again. A shake of her head sent those thoughts away.

She had only done this once before, when Tirek had been loose and the other princesses had trusted her with their magic. Then she had the power of four alicorns and it was still a struggle, now the task seemed monumental.

“Just try.” Was the simple encouragement given to her by the farmpony.

Twilight couldn’t stop her whole body from shaking as her horn came to life. The familiar hum of magic building in her skull. Her breathing quickened. Her pulse raced. Every part of her brain told her to stop before He got in again. Before He could get ahold of her and turn her into that monster once more. She fought through it all and did as she was instructed long ago.

Her magic reached beyond the tainted air of Equestria, through the firmament above. Up there the magic was clean, she could feel it. Space wasn’t connected to the same magic laws as the planet was, it was layer above and not something an ordinary pony could tap into. She reached out to the sun, that glow and warmth she’d felt only once before.

She touched it, and she felt it cry. It knew it wasn’t supposed to be there, that it was supposed to set so long ago. Just like the ponies below, it was suffering from staying still for so long. The last time she had tried this, the heavenly body above had resisted the grasp of this strange new user. This time was different, it sank into her grip and she let her magic encase it like a warm embrace.

The sun started to move, slowly. Twilight strained with effort, her magic out of practice and her grip fumbling. The nerves and the panic didn’t help her at all. She did her best and used every drop of magic and energy she had, but it still wasn’t enough to get the job done.
The sun never dipped below the horizon, it simply sat halfway above and below it. The sky was now awash in warm oranges and mixed in with deep blues and purples. She had failed in setting the sun, and that was all she could think about.

Twilight fell to her knees, the light on her horn dying out in a blink. She couldn’t stop from breaking down and crying on her bedroom floor. Her wings fell to the ground and she finally crumbled again into a sobbing mess. She had failed again, another on top of the pile that was her recent memory. It crushed her very soul to think that she had once again not done enough.

She couldn’t be sad for long. A trio of roars rang out across Equestria from Canterlot. Furious roars that called for blood, and Twilight already knew that they were all headed to Ponyville. There was not a doubt in her mind about the words that fell from her mouth next.

“We just ran out of time…”