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Discord has lived for quite a long time. Centuries as a ruler, a millennium as a rock, years as a reformed draconequus, it all gets very tiring. A nap is exactly what he needs. But when you live forever, time loses its meaning, years pass in the blink of an eye, mortals come and go like mayflies. And that's fine.
After all, any being that is truly important will live forever. Discord would never associate with anything less.

Chapters (2)

Pinkie Pie has lived a very passionate and successful life and is getting older, even if it pains Discord's heart to see his love fading before his eyes.

Pinkie/Discord one shot, not edited sorry, enjoy.

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia X Human OC. Enjoy and tell me what you think :)

My name is Samuel Higgott. And this is how I met Princess Celestia...and how we fell in love...and how we fell apart.

In a moment of weakness, all it can take is one person to break two hearts. And in this case...I broke hers.

I decided to upload this onto FIMfiction because I feel like it would be appreciated :) I may be wrong, but I might be right and you'll hopefully enjoy this.

Off we go then!

Sex is only mentioned but I'll chuck up the warning just to be safe XD

Chapters (2)

Celestia has been working too hard, for far too long. Concerned for her well being, Luna sees no option but to have her sister kidnapped and carried off to a place where she will have no choice but to learn how to relax and take time for herself.

However, if Celestia can't learn that lesson she may find herself an eternal captive of the Cuddle Dungeon.

Cover art is from the amazing "Rarity's Secret" series by Longinius.

Much thanks to SandStorm and Coyotethetrickster for their editing and help
Featured! 10/2/2017

Chapters (5)

Sirens are natural predators. Sleek, powerful, and cunning, once something is in their proverbial sights, its life can be measured in seconds. Most of the time they prey on fish or seals, but sometimes they like to stalk more exotic fare...

Chapters (1)

Rarity’s little Temptation ends up on pins and needles. Literally.

With her shoulder-devil out of commission, other Temptations pop into her life to pick up the slack from their fallen sister.


Written for the Barcast's "Make Rarity Not Garbage" contest.

Cover art by JennDyLyon. Adore her. Fear Her. Admire her art!

Pre-read by ScarletWeather and Aragon.

Chapters (1)

After the heat death of the universe, nothing remains.

Except for Celestia, of course, and her immortal sun.

Rated Teen for profanity, fantasised Celestia/Luna shipping and prejudice against transdimensional immigrants.

Chapters (1)

That wacky Spirit of Chaos is at it again...
Except, there's no ponies in the audience.
There's nothing, really. Just an empty, post-apocalyptic expanse.
Nothing, and some ants.
Inspired by WrathOfGod519 and "Alone" - Downface.

Also now the excuse/subject for an RCL Interview.

Chapters (1)

Inspired by the cover art (by glittering-pony).

Twilight hated when her teacher did it, but couldn't talk to anypony about it. After all, who would believe her if she said that Princess Celestia – always so refined, graceful and regal – could be even worse than Twily's own mother when it came to grooming? Nopony, that's who.

Except... Cadance might actually surprise her on that one.

Chapters (2)

After a long day’s work, Celestia loves nothing more than to get her belly rubbed by Josh, the Royal Belly Scratcher.

Chapters (2)