• Member Since 7th Apr, 2015


It burns burns burns

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What did Pinkie really do before she came to Ponyville? One day a mysterious customer walks into Sugar Cube Corner...

This is just a quick one-shot that I had in my head for a while and decided that it needed to be written.

Chapters (1)

Celestia has become emotionally withdrawn and disconnected from her little ponies. The imprisonment of Luna compounded with the constant loss of any who got close to her, she has forgotten how to connect with another pony. Until a small, injured filly who is equally distant after the loss of her parents stumbles into Celestia's life. Now, both ponies will help the other heal and rediscover once more what it truly means to be a pony.

A 'Mommylestia' story, the concept of which has been in my head for some months. I will be sticking rather close to canon for events, the major differences are that Twilight's parents are dead, and Shining Armor is a few years older and already dating Cadance at the time of this incident. I plan to keep mostly everything else the same.

Chapters (11)