• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2013


Hi i'm NJH12 and I have a accont on Deviantart it is also NJH12. And I seriously need an editor.

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Staghorn is Chrysalis's second youngest child (don't let that description fool you, he has a wife and two kids about the same age as Applebloom) and is next in line for the throne. he is as smart as a whip and he has a big heart. so it's no surprise that when his mother comes home, he has a plan. a crazy, insane Plan. But is Peace really an option?

(First two chapters are a little rushed, sorry)

Chapters (17)

This story is a sequel to Shadow Pony

After centuries of peace, the unthinkable has happened: the dragons have invaded Equestria. Celestia knows that her country could never survive a war against these terrible beasts, and so journeys south in hopes of bringing a quick peace. She is not the only one seeking answers: the young assassin Fine Crime has been dispatched by the Archons to determine exactly what has stirred the dragons into action, Fancy Pants has found himself on the front lines with no idea if he'll make any difference, and Fleur Purpurnyj has more enemies than dragons to worry about.

Nothing could prepare any of them for the sheer brutality of the Burning Lands' most fearsome inhabitant: the dreaded Reddux the Tyrant.

A prequel to No Heroes set roughly 7 years before the beginning of the show. Sex tag is for thematic elements only.

Pre-read by Majora. Edited by Danger Beans.

Cover art commissioned from viwrastupr.

Now with a review by Cerulean Voice!

The No Heroes Series
Chronological from Top to Bottom:
Shadow Pony
Reddux the Tyrant
No Heroes Part I - The Roster
No Heroes Part II - The Journey Home
Lightning's Bolt
No Heroes Part III - For Dreams
No Heroes Part IV - The Crystal Empress
No Heroes: Beyond the Everfree
No Heroes: Life of Pie
No Heroes: Hot Chocolate at the Isekai
To My Uncle

The Fleur-Verse
Chronologically from Top to Bottom:
Shadow Pony
Reddux the Tyrant
No Heroes Part I - The Roster
No Heroes Part II - The Journey Home
Lightning's Bolt
The Weed
The Challenge of Fleur
Ordinary World
A Challenge for Fleur
Sweet to Eat: Tales of Nightmare Night

Chapters (20)

Amazing new cover art drawn by Droll3 on Deviantart.com! Drop him a favorite and a comment!

Four days after the marriage of Shining Armor and Princess Cadence, as well as the defeat of Queen Chrysalis, Fluttershy receives a visit by Twilight. Twilight tells her that if she sees any changelings, she needs to tell her immediately, on Celestia's orders. Fluttershy, not wishing to do so, begins thinking about it, and the things she thinks of makes her anxious and uneasy. In doing so, she decides to take a walk into the Everfree Forest to calm her mind and enjoy the view. While admiring the scenery, she trips on something. Looking back, she finds something she feared having to find, for the risk of being shunned by her society-a hurt changeling. Because of the nature of Celestia's instructions, Fluttershy must make a tough decision: Whether to turn this changeling in or to bring it into her home to make it better.

The real question is will Fluttershy fall to the peer pressure of society, or will she do what her heart tells her is right?

I do not own the cover image, nor any of the characters displayed in this story (except for the changeling.)

Featured 05/02/14, 05/07/14, 06/18/14! and 10/01/14!
04/30/14: 100 favorites! 05/18/14: 250 favorites!
05/01/14: 100 likes! 06/20/14: 250 likes!
05/03/14: 1,000 views! 06/18/14: 2,000 views! 09/25/14: 3,000 views!

Chapters (22)

So there I was in the forest, looking everywhere for love to eat. Then my eyes fell upon a cute little bug, maybe this little guy could help feed me.

Chapters (2)

Star Swirl the Bearded is lost. Very, very lost. He was certain the world was round -- or at least a hemisphere -- and not, as it now appears to be, flat and riding on the backs of four elephants, themselves riding on the back of a massive turtle, swimming through the vast expanses of space.

He's going to need a lot of magical help to get home, and the Disc is going to need help to deal with the strange creatures that followed him through from his home world - creatures whose icy nature threatens to bring about the Apocralypse.

Fortunately, the first person he meets is a wizard. He even has "Wizzard" written on his hat...

Now has a sequel!

Chapters (18)

Set directly after the Tirek incident, Fluttershy and Discord are suffering, alone and apart. Fluttershy may have forgiven him, but she feels that she has failed her friend, and longs to understand Discord. Why wasn't she good enough, why did he betray them? Why hadn't he cherished their friendship as much as she had?

Discord, on the other hand, struggles from the pain of his own guilt, and doesn't even know who he is anymore. He doesn't want to lose the closest friend he has either, but he's positive that their relationship will never be the same again. He can't stand it.

They're falling apart, and the magic of the earth isn't happy about it. Then a cloaked stranger comes into the picture, and plants a mysterious flower...

Fluttershy only utters a simple request. "I wish I could understand you, Discord..."

Little does she know that such a wish entails much more than just an understanding...and her wish is granted in the most chaotic of ways--and the only one who can help her is the very friend she is trying to understand.

Image by trehcedasil!!!! :D

Chapters (11)

The war between Nightmare Moon and Princess Celestia has destroyed Equestria, leaving the few survivors to struggle to survive in a dying world of eternal twilight. Fluttershy, twisted by the war, now ekes out an existence in Everfree forest, but even that life is under threat. Twilight Sparkle is coming, leading the last army of Dawn, and she will let nothing stop her from retrieving the Elements of Harmony and saving the world; not even old friends.


First Place in the Equestria Daily More Most Dangerous Game contest :pinkiegasp:

With thanks to Luna-tic Scientist, Lord Of Dorkness, Nopony_Important and Monanniverse for their help in bringing this story to completion. Cover art is credit to 5kmoe.


Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Better Living Through Science and Ponies

I've decided to rewrite this entire story. Considering that I began this project with almost no creative writing experience, I was bound to make some pretty bad mistakes. The story flow is not well organized, and there is an unhealthy amount of redundancy and poor pacing, as well as some pretty important things that I should have included. I intend to address these issues to the best of my ability, but it will be a long and arduous task. This story means a lot to me, so I want it to be more than the mere amateur mediocrity that it resembles. So, give it a read if you want, but keep in mind that it will change. I recommend that you put this on your read later list in the meantime.

This is a Portal 2 crossover. If you haven't played Portal 2, please do that first. Then read the prequel if you haven't done that either.

After Chell finally escaped the confines of Aperture Science, a freak portal mishap down below transported her, along with the entire Enrichment Center, to the land of Equestria. Upon entering this world, she was transformed into a pony. In a strange body and in a strange land, Chell was fortunate enough to be accepted by the ponies of Ponyville, and she lived out a new life contently among the ponies.

But that peace was not to last, for GLaDOS took a particular interest in the ponies of Equestria, and after two weeks of preparation, she launched a surprise attack and kidnapped 300 ponies to serve as test subjects, including Chell's friends and the princesses themselves. Once GLaDOS had them, she subjected them psychological torture. To save her friends, Chell made her way into the one place she hoped never to see again. In doing so, she freed the ponies, defeated GLaDOS in battle, and helped bring about the destruction of the facility. Although this made Chell a hero, she paid a terrible price in that brutal fight.

Beaten, battered, and traumatized, Chell spent months recovering from her wounds. After returning home from the hospital, all she wants is to once again live a normal life in Ponyville, but to do that, she must first heal from her wounds, both physical and psychological.

At the same time, GLaDOS herself has survived Aperture's destruction. With nothing left but herself, she vows to get back to testing. Though she faces an uphill climb, she is determined to see her facility rebuilt and the testing resume, and will stop at nothing to achieve this.

Has a TV Tropes page (will need to be updated after rewrite)

The works that this fanfiction is based on are properties of Hasbro and Valve. I would like to thank Pen Stroke for writing the original story and Flyer for his assistance and advice.

Please note, this is an unofficial sequel. I have received permission from Pen Stroke, but it is not canon to the original. I hope you enjoy it, but keep in mind that this is a fan work (of a fan work), and Pen Stroke holds the rights to the original story.

Chapters (23)

Amber Song is no ordinary earth pony. Why? Well, because she is actually a robot. A robot with artificial intelligence, complete with (somewhat limited) emotions. These are entries from her diary. A document she kept to detail her struggles with understanding emotions, both her own and those of other ponies. It is her hope that this diary will show her progress in her quest to be more like organic ponies.

Cover art by SnowFlight96 http://snowflight96.deviantart.com/

Chapters (7)

This is a 'what-if' story? As in, 'What if they didn't forgive Spike for what he did?'. That's why everyone is OOC.

Spike's rampage through Ponyville has left the town in ruins, and made the townsponies realise how dangerous he will become as he grows up. Even Twilight and the other Elements are distant. They send him away while they repair the damage he caused.

With everypony seemingly against him, Spike feels alone. But he soon finds an ally in a certain mailmare — somepony who knows all too well what it feels like to be in everypony's bad books.


I got the idea to write this from someone I am following on Twitter. They asked 'How is it even possible to ship Spike and Derpy?'. To which I thought 'Challenge Accepted'. Of course, they didn't say what kind of 'ship' it had to be. So why not friendship?

I've tried my best with this, I really have. But bearing in mind that the characters have never even interacted in the show, it was hard to write. However, I did my best, and now leave it to you, the reader, to decide how good it is.

Oh, and just because Derpy is clumsy... that doesn't mean she's not smart.

Chapters (1)