• Member Since 9th Jul, 2015


Just a guy trying to write about MLP:FiM :3

Favourites 5 stories
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Total Words: 7,458
Estimated Reading: 29 minutes



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Do you have a relationship problem? Several ponies can say yes to that and who better to ask for advice than The Princess of Love herself?
Cadence gets a lot of help requests from ponies and always does her best to give good advice, this is some of her letters and the responses.

Chapters (5)

When Twilight visits Celestia's private hall of stained-glass windows, each bearing the image of a long-gone friend, one in particular catches her eye.

Who was this pony?

Why was she so important to Celestia?

And why does she look so familiar?

There is now a Spanish translation of this story, courtesy of Spaniard Kiwi

Chapters (1)