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Nightfall is over Equestria and the moon shines brightly as Princess Luna protects her subjects. However, a creature comes to Equestria in the night, crash landing inside the Everfree. Its arrival will spark a search for things forgotten and bring terrors into the peaceful land. Luna must put the pieces of a mighty puzzle together to protect her ponies, but enemies are around every corner and allies are few and far in-between.

Chapters (41)

During one summer day, Celestia is asked to watch after her sister, while their mother is gone for certain duties. Celestia thinks, this task won't be diffcult at all, but she is completeley wrong. Especially because she loses her sister within the first few hours.
Luna is walking into the Everfree Forest and bumps into a dark mare. This mare, Nightmare Moon, is searching for a host and she definitley had not looked for a cub. But because filly Luna does not want to leave her alone, "Moonie" has to play babysitter within the Everfree Forest.

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to If You Came to Conquer

Princess Nightmare Moon had tried to keep it secret. She had suppressed her power, feigned ignorance, played the outdated fool at every opportunity. She should have known that something like this would happen. A threat that would reveal her, whether she played dumb or not.

If she had to reveal herself, then at least she could protect Equestria in the process. She nocked the arrow. The bow felt so flimsy, but she could not risk him absorbing a spell. She laced magic across the arrow and the string and the air, enough to make it fly faster and aim smoother. She sighted him easily; Tirek was a large target. Now he only had to turn around. An arrow to the spine would kill him simply and instantly, no matter how much magic he had absorbed.

Once he was dead, the hard part would come: explaining herself to Celestia.

Prereading thanks; Meta Four, Blank!, Yami Vizzini, and especially Craine

Russian translation by Doof
Chinese Translation by Dreams Set Free

Comments contain spoilers.

Chapters (7)

Nightmare Moon won. She defeated Celestia, broke the Elements, banished the sun. This all happened a very long time ago. So long ago, that she has had plenty of time to change her mind.

Of course, fixing our mistakes is never so simple, and never without consequences. Even with particularly potent help.

"If you came to conquer, you'll be king for a day. / But you too will deteriorate and quickly fade away."
— "No Control" by Bad Religion

A big thanks to Craine, Sorren, and Idylia for prereading and editing. If you enjoyed the story, don't forget to check out their pages.

Equestria Daily
Royal Canterlot Library (FIMfic version)
Russian translation by Doof
Chinese translation by Dreams Set Free

Kitsune Heart has done a dramatic reading of this story! Find it over here.
ObabScribbler has done a dramatic reading of this story! It includes a full cast of voice actors. Find it over here.

Comments contain spoilers.

Chapters (3)

There are some things in this world that absolutely no one can walk away from unchanged. Here we have Celestia on an investigative trip to the Badlands south of Equestria. Twilight's research told of a hidden city built by wonderful and terrible beings who "came before". Celestia needs to see it for herself. It is in a barren desert tainted by an unknown energy that destroys all who live...but perhaps not all who have lived. In one burnt out ruin hidden below the depths of that lonely place is a mausoleum haunted by its mistakes. Not even the ruler of the sun is all knowing and there are some secrets that will always hurt more than they help. This is a story about desperate minds searching for a solution in desperate times, what can happen when we let fear fuel the day, and good intentions gone wrong.

This is a sequel to my other story To Be Remembered. It takes place in the same "City of Dust" as that story, but I don't think you need to read that in order to enjoy this one. It's up to you. Contains some blood and takes place in a post-apocalyptic city outside normal, happy Equestria.

Chapters (1)

Tirek has escaped once more and has amassed enough power to lay waste to Equestria and imprison the girls to bear witness to his destructive campaign. From the hopeless situation, with Equestria on the brink of destruction, a strange hero emerges to save the day.

(One Shot. Might make more)

Chapters (1)

Through unknown means, Sombra amassed an army and launched an attack against the Crystal Empire and a changeling sub-hive. This forces Celestia and Chrysalis to meet, and agree to a temporary alliance between their kinds. Neither is happy about the situation, but for the lives of the ponies and changelings they lead, they are willing to do what is necessary.

Yet, as weeks and months pass, the pair find working together is not as horrible as they originally believed. Is a lasting peace, and perhaps more, possible between ponies and changelings, between a princess and a queen?

Written for Equestria Daily's Super Happy Hearts and Hooves Lovefest Fanfic Event

Chapters (1)

Chrysalis is beaten. Her invasion of Canterlot has failed. Her hive has been scattered to the winds. And with Equestria on guard, love is in short supply. She has failed her people, and now the future looks bleak and grim.

But there’s a change in the air. Chrysalis can feel it in her bones and in her dreams. Something is calling to her, drawing her and the remnants of her hive north. To the place the changelings once called home.

Placed sixth in the August 2015 Write-Off Event: Distant Shores.

Chapters (1)

Three changelings head out on Nightmare Night as, well, themselves, what's the worst that could happen? Cover Pic by : ToxicKittyCat

To be honest, I wish this fic was more comedic, but it's not, well, as far as my taste go. I ment to have this done by Halloween, but as you can see, didn't happen. Still, enjoy! :D

Chapters (1)

Dark times lay ahead for the ponies of Equestria. A dark force comes to take their lands and their magic, to leave them all but helpless. Subjugated to life under a tyrant, their only salvation will come in the form of a champion, a champion who wrestles bears for fun. Zangief, the Red Cyclone, is their only hope.

Unfortunately for them, he's playing for the wrong team.

Zangief will be based on all of his best traits with as much personality as I could find from within his quotes. Don't take this story too seriously, it's done for fun. All my information came from the games and comics. LARIAT.

Chapters (31)