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This story is a sequel to Apotheosis

Celestia leaves Equestria in the hooves of Luna and Twilight.

While she searches among the gods to answer her questions, Luna and Twilight must struggle to fulfill their own duties to ponies and to Equestria.
Now with a Spanish translation by SPANIARD KIWI: https://www.deviantart.com/spaniard-kiwi/art/Apoteosis-3-3-857110357

Chapters (12)

Luna's Children of the Night, six colts and six fillies, are forced into a new world- the forgotten mountains. Faced with a new, unexplored and less than friendly world, they have to survive on their own and build a home for themselves, but they're only foals.
This story is directly based off of This
And yes, this is technically the 'official' story of it

Chapters (4)

A refined mare fresh out of high school and a dropout following her dreams find themselves forced to spend a lot of time together.

With the help of a meddling psychology tutor and their new classmates, can they find what they've been looking for?

French Translation!

Fan Stuff!

Chapters (22)

Who would have thought a pony and a changeling could have children together. I certainly wouldn't have. This is Shining Armor, and I'm in a weird situation. Chrysalis has shown up to my home and dropped a kid off stating that it was our son.

What will Cadance think? How am I going to raise a changeling child? Why does Chrysalis keep coming into my life, and why am I finding it harder to keep her away? Hopefully answers can be found with as little problems as possible. Oh who the Tartarus am I kidding, my seed is a changeling! There's bound to be a problem along the way.

Story inspired by Bakki's excellent fanart.

Cover done by Droll3. Thanks Droll3, and go check his work out

Chapters (7)

The Trial of The Champion is a time honored event between Celestia's Sun Guard and Luna's Moon Guard. The event is used to remember the founding events of their forefathers who had guarded the princesses long ago. This year, however, two newly formed regiments have been allowed to compete in the week long events. Princess Cadence's Legion of the Heart and Princess Twilight's Witch Brigade.

Chapters (3)

"Twilight isn't exactly a social pony." Could win me the Understatement of the Year award.

However, what most ponies don't know is that Octavia, a high-class socialite, isn't exactly much better herself, despite countless rumours about a liason between her and a certain DJ.

Now, drawn back to the upper-classes that she tried so desperately to get away from, can Twilight Sparkle find solace, and companionship, from one of the very socialite ponies of her past that she is so desperate to escape?

Chapters (10)

ON HOLD- Sorry folks, next chapter won't be a while.

Sweetie Belle tries to use her magic, for 1 hour hanging from a tree, she tries to use her magic for once, Scootaloo questions Sweetie Belle before she disappears, while Applebloom nearly says nothing, after a while of talking, Sweetie Belle finally goes for her magic, but what happens, happens, now Sweetie Belle is far into the future, and she may never make it back home.

Chapters (11)