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After a long day’s work, Celestia loves nothing more than to get her belly rubbed by Josh, the Royal Belly Scratcher.

Chapters (2)

Chrysalis thinks jokes, puns, and off-key musical numbers are the way to Twilight's heart (and bed).

She is ever so slightly, possibly, potentially, just a wee smidgen completely and utterly wrong.


Chapters (1)

Fresh cookies are a great start to a summer afternoon, and an unexpected surprise makes things even better. What's a little filly to do, though, when the best foalsitter ever is running late, her BBBFF starts acting funny, and her house is filled with molten rock?

Chapters (1)

There's a bug under my bed. Or at least I think it's a bug.

It says it needs to stay under there to hide.

I just hope it leaves soon. And doesn't eat me before then.

Artwork by sweetsing.

Chapters (1)

In a single night the world is changed forever after. Humanity has found out that it does not walk alone, that there are others out there. In the wake of this startling revelation, a young woman tries to find herself as her world is turned on its head.

This is an invasion, but the kind that no one was expecting.

Special thanks to Astrocity, Skeeter The Lurker, and The Cake Devil for all of their help editing this. If you guys have a minute go check out their stories. Also, I'd like to thank the many Anonymous animals on google drive. You never told me your secrets, but you were always there when everyone else was asleep.

Chapters (5)

A cartoon pony named Twilight Sparkle visits me every other Friday night. Normally she just raids my fridge, questions my life choices, and forces me to watch her show. Tonight something is different. Has she always had wings?

Fair warning: Twilight’s views on her own fandom's creations aren’t exactly positive.

Cover art generously provided by statoose
Reading by CaptainBron3y
Reading by NovekBrony
Reading by Natetrix
Chinese Translation by Comradash
This story is approved by Luna's Fanfiction Library

The story continues in the sequel

Chapters (1)

You know, there are nights in which you will get eight full hours of restful sleep, and there are nights in which your night's rest will be interrupted by a sentient blue unicorn that's named after a toothpaste company.
What kind of night do you think this story is about?

Chapters (1)

You know, there are nights in which you will get eight full hours of restful sleep, and there are nights in which you will be awoken by a sentient beige earth pony planting roses in your front lawn.
What kind of night do you think this story is about?

Sequel to Those Moments.

Credit for the cover goes to Cocolli.

Chapters (1)

Even the captain of the Wonderbolts needs some time to relax every now and then, especially after a long, stressful day of training.
Fortunately, relaxing is an easy feat with a friend willing to lend you a hand (or two).

Credit for the cover goes to Aphphphphp.

[Spiritual successor to Two in the morning].

Chapters (1)

(A PoE story.) Additional Tags: (Slice Of Life)
All Twilight wanted was to give Spike a special gift for his birthday. Yes, it was a book, but it was a very special book. An Enchanted Book like that Power Ponies comic they had recently experienced.
Things went wrong when Spike startled Twilight as she was working the spell for his (secret) gift. Needless to say, startling Twilight while she's in the middle of a spell can be a bad idea - as certain frogs can tell you.
Twilight has every reason to believe that she is now trapped in a closed reality bubble fabricated out of her own magic, with no way out. She's lost in some made-up universe reflecting some random story line.
Mike, of course, has a different opinion about the matter.

WARNING: Both Twilight and Mike love talking technical and explaining things to each other.

Twilight's World now has an audio reading by No One and Nobody. Listen HERE.

This most excellent cover art was provided by Void Heart

Chapters (25)