• Member Since 22nd Dec, 2011


Somepony who reads enough MLP fanfiction to actually REQUIRE registration, because by this point it takes too long to open all the story bookmarks and look through them for updates. Yay for tracking!

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Missions are dangerous, and sometimes the Bearers get hurt. But this time, treating Pinkie's injuries only took about an hour. No sealant to constantly reapply and lingering deep aches from the wound: just a simple, magical regrowing of her left forehoof's keratin. Really, it's a pity the procedure isn't available to the public yet.

And because it isn't available to the public yet, there's just one little thing which the inventing company's representative wants Pinkie to do. One little thing that leads into a full swarm of not-so-little things.

It's okay. It's for science!

(Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.)

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Winter's Child

Twilight is pregnant. She has told her her friends, her brother, Cadance, and Celestia. All that's left is to tell her parents. (And reveal who the father is.)

After seven years of waiting: The unofficial ending to Winter's Child. Prior reading is strongly recommended!

"A sequel to (arguably) the best incest fan fiction in this fandom, penned by the unquestionably-best incest author in this fandom.
Taking an unfinished work and giving it an ending that is funny, heartfelt, suspenseful, and cathartic is just a f*cking feat. Glued to the screen, on a rollercoaster of emotion, it is every bit a story that will keep you entertained all the way through."

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle is pregnant - and nopony is more surprised than she is. Confronted with the overwhelming responsibility of motherhood, the young mare has to decide whether she is truly up to the task of being a single parent. For a pony who has proven her dedication, intelligence, and strength of character countless times, armed with the bonds of friendship and love, it shouldn't be a difficult choice.

But, as with everything Twilight has done in her life, the circumstances and decisions she must manage are anything but simple.

Chapters (10)

Limestone has a situation, and she absolutely does not want to talk about it. But apparently no one informed Maud's stupid unicorn friend, because here they are, in the garden of swears, talking about it.

An entry in the May 2021 Original Pairings Contest.

Chapters (1)

"So where are you going?"
"With you."

It's a phrase Rainbow Dash has heard nearly every day of her life. Wherever she roams, Fluttershy is sure to be trailing behind. The quiet, fearful girl running along after the one who never seemed to know fear. It hadn't changed in all their years, despite everything they'd seen and done.

The thought that it might change was a little too frightening to think about.

Featured, 05/28/2021. I raise my glass to you.

Chapters (1)

There's always been traffic crossing the river at the base of the mountain, and that means Canterlot's had a bridge there for centuries. But bridges wear out, while new styles come into play. Commissioning a new span out of the national budget, replacing the worn-out turntable with an arch... that's simple enough. After that, the sensible thing is to just step back and let the architect do their job.

Yeah, right. The sensible thing is clearly for everypony to start telling him exactly how things should be done! Because what does an architect know about bridges, anyway?

It isn't as if 'not having them collapse' was the important part.

(Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.)

Cover art found by K-123 Ту́полев.

Chapters (1)

In an abandoned castle deep within the Everfree forest, the battle of Everlasting Night is almost to a close. Nightmare Moon is weakened and nearly defeated and Twilight has awakened the five Elements that her friends embody.

But there's just one problem. She can't find the sixth!

In a last-ditch effort, Twilight casts a powerful and ancient spell (from a library she technically wasn't allowed in) to summon the final Element from the next universe over. (They won't miss it, right?)

Unfortunately, her spell works a little too well and now she's swimming in Elements. Can she find the true Element of Harmony, or will she go mad trying to sift through so many that are just slightly 'not right'?

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Pinkie Pie's Problematically Private Passion's Parental Personages Presented Perpostorously Prior Publishing Previously Paraphrased Preoccupation

Pinkie Pie slumbers, unable to wake. This would be bad enough if she were ordinary, and even worse were she still merely Pinkie Pie, the partymeister of Canterlot High. But in this new world of magic, she serves a crucial role in helping Sunset Shimmer stabilize the cosmos.

There are minds

that shouldn't be read.

So it is that her closest friends agree to delve into her mind, find what has happened to their friend, and bring her back to the waking world. This delve shall be dangerous, but they must take the journey. For them... for her... and for all of reality. And yet...

There are dreams

that shouldn't be pursued.

Secrets in the waking world have taken hold of the sleeping self. An interweave of conspiracy and coincidence contrives to undermine the connections between friends, even as they struggle to stay together long enough to find out how to help the one they'd come to rescue.

There are thoughts

that shouldn't be considered.

Trapped within an already chaotic mind thrown off kilter by unseen forces, Pinkie's friends must navigate a delicate landscape of laughter and pastry riddled with emotional time bombs, all in the hopes of bringing her back... before she is gone forever.

Part of the Oversaturated World.

Cover art amalgamated from the following sources (Be warned, there be spoilers!):
Euphoria Pony
SketchMCreations again
SketchMCreations, a third time

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Escalation


In Which Pinkie Pie Meets Her Crush's Strange Family Before Telling Her Crush She's Crushing On Her.


Let's See How Much We Can Make A Manifestation Of Laughter Squirm.

Cover art amalgamated from bases by SelenaEde and a vector by MLPRocker123. Part of the Oversaturated World.

Chapters (8)

Pinkie Pie finds herself unsure how to act after falling for another girl. While she tries to sort out her feelings, her sisters decide to check this girl out and see what makes her so special.

Things escalate.

Strong language warning, at least compared to my usual stuff. Part of the Oversaturated World. Original story here. Probably won't make sense without context.
Sequal already begun here.

Chapters (5)