• Member Since 23rd Dec, 2011


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"My name is Sunset Shimmer, and there are two Twilight Sparkles who are both madly in love with me.

Please help."

Chapters (1)

Twilight has been summoned to Canterlot for important training as a princess, but she is unable to bring Spike along. Unfortunately, her closest friends are unable to watch him, so she turns to her newest friend Trixie. However, will Spike be uncomfortable around her or will he be able to look past her previous actions and consider making her a friend?

Chapters (5)

Twilight Sparkle finds herself with an embarrassment of riches. She's got her own kingdom, great friends, some kind of Rainbow Magic, and her own castle! Nothing could go wrong... or so she thought. Something has risen from the depths of her new home to threaten the peace of Equestria. Something old, something powerful, something hungry...

Written for Magello, never stop dreaming, friend.

Chapters (1)

[Complete] Celestia awakens to see an empty world, white sandstone stretching the horizon. She wanders the world as she builds it from her imagination, filling it with life, but as time passes, the world that she created begins to seem like little more than a lucid dream, conjured from the dust.

Chapters (16)

Maud Pie has written thousands of poems.

Here are some of her poems.

They're about rocks.

Featured by the Royal Canterlot Library and the Royal Guard.

Chapters (20)

Orphaned from birth, with only the memories of a soft touch and gentle voice to remember her by, Twilight yearns for her mother. What pony wouldn't want to know why they were abandoned, why they were left to be found by the Princess of the Sun herself.

That was nearly two decades ago though. Twilight was older now, and hopefully wiser. She is happy with her two best friends, Cadance and Shining Armor. They are like family to her, the brother and sister she never could have. Though dreams still haunt the young mare, dreams of lullabies and tender kisses, she has moved on.

The personal servant to the Princess of Helios, the land of the Sun, Twilight enjoyed both rank, and knowledge. But it also means that when Princess Luna comes to visit her old friend, Twilight is given the task of tending her. The Princess has come in search of marriage, at the behest of her ruling Council. They demand an heir to ward off the potentially catastrophic attacks of the neighboring dragons.

Soon, Twilight will be tested and tried. She will be given the a choice between the life she has known, and the duty she is sworn to. But never, not once, will she forget.

For who can stop loving their mother.

Chapters (23)

The Piano Man has spent the last month in captivity, forced to play the piano as part of The Great and Powerful Trixie's traveling show. Now he's free, and recovering under the care of the Equestrian monarchy while Trixie awaits trial for her crimes.
All is not well, however. The Piano Man has a long road of recovery ahead, and all the time he must compete with overbearing carers, his own mental trauma, and even discrimination from members of Equestria's unicorn supremacist subculture.

This story is the kinda (can't stress that part enough) better-written sequel to 'The Piano Man'. Because the first story involved some rather dark scenes, I have included a helpful catch-up in the first chapter - so if you have no interest in reading a dark story, then you can ignore the first piece and skip straight ahead to this one.
'The Piano Man: Act II' is most certainly not a dark story, and neither is it sad. The sad tag is in place for scenes in which I reference the previous installment, and nothing else.

The absolutely amazing cover image was created by the even more amazing WIL_I_ZIN, (deviantART) who is just... just awesome, for helping out.

Chapters (26)

There's always room for another in Harth Stonebrew's inn. From the stoutest dwarf to the haughtiest blood elf, a seat is always open for someone looking for a fine pint of ale or a lively round of Hearthstone.

Even if they happen to be a small talking horse from another world.

Of course, otherworldly patrons attract otherworldly attention. So when the presence of a mighty mage from Equestria sparks the interest of a wicked warlock from Draenor, Harth can't help but smile. It's going to be another busy night at the inn.

Chapters (1)

As the Grand Galloping Gala draws near, Rainbow Dash is set to impress with the dress Rarity had designed. She is met with approval from all but one pony.

Takes place during the episode of "Make New Friends but Keep Discord"
One Shot fic

Chapters (1)

After ascending to Princesshood, Twilight decides that it's time to really take the notion of "A Sound Mind in a Sound Body" to heart. She has the "Sound Mind" bit down (mostly), but years of sitting inside hunched over a book has given her quite a bit of ground to make up on the "Sound Body" front.

Fortunately, she has an athletic friend to help her out.

Chapters (1)