• Member Since 19th Jul, 2013


Pony Author, Writer of Foal Stories, Storyteller, Equestrian Analyzer and occasional Pony Artist. You can support the stories I tell on Patreon to get nice rewards or tip me on Ko-fi (LINKS BELOW).

Season 5 1142 stories
  • Season 5 1142 stories - 4140 unread chapters A bookshelf for all fics based on or inspired by a Season 5 episode!
    Created by Fluttercheer
    - September, 2015
Found 1,042 stories in 106ms

Total Words: 10,971,926
Estimated Reading: 4 weeks



  • Featured 23556 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Rara's always been able to sing like an adult. It's something she never really considered until ponies approached her after camp. Ponies who believe she has potential far beyond what her cutie mark tells her. Potential even to compete on Equestria's biggest stage...against Equestria's greatest talents.

WARNING: This fic assumes Rara's camp performance wasn't a voice acting error, and that she actually is one of those borderline creepy kids on TV who can sing in an adult voice.

Chapters (1)

How does a filly cope with loneliness without the father who ran out on his family, leaving Starlight Glimmer without a daddy and her mother a broken, bitter shell of her former self? And now that her best, and only, friend has been flung off to Canterlot, who does a filly have to turn to? Nopony but herself with a growing, twisted mindset and nopony to steer her in the right direction. This is her start of darkness, leading her to what she would one day become.

Cover art sources:

Chapters (7)

There are many alternate universes.  Princess Twilight Sparkle found a number of them whilst she was duelling with Starlight Glimmer.  These alternative realities were perfectly genuine to those who lived in them.
This is a true story about an Equestria in which Queen Chrysalis had not been defeated when the Changeling Army invaded during the Royal Wedding at Canterlot.  Only a small group of free ponies is left to mount a Resistance.  The future does not look good, but a zebra has a plan.

This can be read as a one-shot or continued to its sequel https://www.fimfiction.net/story/384399/the-end-of-oppression, when Pinkie Pie mounts a rescue mission into the hive.

Chapters (1)

Trapped in one of Starlight Glimmer's alternate timelines, Twilight must appeal to the guardian of this timeline: an Applejack who left her family to live in Manehattan in the hopes of a new beginning and found nothing there at all... And that was before an accident changed her further still.

Things are different in this timeline, and Twilight's friends are not as she remembers them. Instead of being warm and open, Applejack is as cold and unfeeling as the metal in her bones, and the only pony she trusts may not be able to convince her to put her faith in an alicorn she's never met before in a world filled with enemies...

An entry for the 'Second Chances' contest. Rated teen for teen-ish violence and horse-romance bits.

Chapters (3)

Inspired by the events from "Castle Sweet Castle"

Twilight Sparkle has been acting strange as of late, doing everything she can to avoid spending time in her castle. It can't be over the fact she lost her old home? Right? To her, the idea seems illogical! There must be another reason!


Edited by tommal, Elika Deerling, and link4

This entire story was inspired by the video "La Da Dee" by TheeLinker - Song: "La Da Dee" by Cody Simpson

Chapters (1)

Prince Rutherford receives a letter informing him of his shortcomings.
This takes place in an alternate ending to party pooped were Prince Rutherford declares war
This is intended to be read in the form of a one sided letter.
i have been informed my story is very similar to letter-to-the-griffon-emperor i did not know that story existed prior to writing this but please check it out if you can its pretty good

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash is the head of the Shadow Bolt Guard. When Nightmare Moon decides to have a ball in her own honor, she must find something to wear and takes Rainbow Dash and two other guards along for shopping.

Chapters (1)

This is the story of how two con artists became the rulers of the world. This is the story of how the virtues of laughter, honesty, kindness, generosity, loyalty and magic were replaced by profit margins, tax evasions, shell companies, bribes, corruption and ambition.

It all began with a simple bet…

Chapters (2)

Rainbow Dash has always wanted to spend the Winter with her pet Tortoise Tank, but never could due to his hibernation. Suddenly, when snow suddenly appears in the Summer and will stay for two weeks, it's a dream come true. But when the weekly snow turns into a blizzard that could stop normal life in Ponyville in it's tracks, can Rainbow Dash set things right?

Chapters (1)

One timeline after another, Twilight and Spike are thrown into a world of Starlight's morbid machination. Another tragic end to Equestria, another circumstance of failure.

The frigid wind does little to ease Twilight's thoughts as a simple question plagues her mind:

"What happened here?"

Takes place during the Season 5 finale.
Proofread and edited by Dreams of Ponies.
Third place in the Nightmare Moon 2017 Summer Contest.
Featured 8/6/17 - 8/8/17.

Chapters (1)