• Member Since 29th Nov, 2015


My name is Dawnguard, General of the Royal Army and Harbinger of Celestia's Light.

Magus Invictus 388 stories
  • Magus Invictus 388 stories This study belongs to the faithful student who serve the Solar Goddess,
    Created by Dawnguard
    - December, 2015
Found 339 stories in 88ms

Total Words: 20,192,400
Estimated Reading: 8 weeks


  • Sol Invictus 516 stories Behind these shining doors are among the greatest works of our Solar Goddess.

  • Luna Invictus 416 stories This moonlit library is dedicated to the works of Luna.

  • Magus Invictus 388 stories This study belongs to the faithful student who serve the Solar Goddess,

  • Inane Invictus 327 stories The brighter of Celestia light, the larger her shadow grows. In her shadow lies mystery and untold horror.

  • Illustratio Invictus 223 stories From beyond the mirror Celestia learns of highly advance technology hundreds of years above normal understanding.


  • Featured 23557 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Twilight Sparkle takes a moment from her studies at the School for Gifted Unicorns to get a late lunch. Finding herself in a strange part of the school grounds, an apple tree and its odd fruit tempts her appetite.

Chapters (1)

It's been nearly a year since Twilight Sparkle entered the newest phase of her adulthood: princessdom. And with that change come a lot of other changes, big and small.

However, there is one thing that hasn't changed: her bedtime.

When Twilight's foreign-born mother, Twilight Velvet, comes to visit, all Tartarus breaks loose in the Sparkle household after Twilight comes home late from a party. Unfortunately for everypony involved, neither mare is backing down--at least, not without a few good shouting matches.

Story edited by John Perry, Roger Dodger, and Nick Nack (they are all beautiful men deserving of your love).
Picture edited by me. Twilight Velvet vector by TrueDesknight. Twilight Sparkle vector by Flutterflyraptor. Library background by Martinnus1 (they are all beautiful peoples deserving of your love).

Comments are always, ALWAYS appreciated.

Chapters (1)

Twilight reads a book about literature and, analysing her world, decides that everything she does is planned by someone other than her.

She does not take it very well.

Rated Everyone for adult humour.

now with a reading

Chapters (3)

An ordinary afternoon at Canterlot's Summer Sun Faire becomes extraordinary when a young filly gets too curious and Princess Cadence experiences every foalsitter's worst nightmare. This is how one Princess discovered there is more to Twilight Sparkle than she ever imagined, and realized she is truly anything but "a regular old unicorn."

EDIT: Featured on Equestria Daily on 12/31/12. It's a New Year's miracle!

Chapters (1)

When Twilight went back home, she left Sunset Shimmer to the care of her friends. Thirty moons later, she returns to Equestria, seeking judgment for her crimes from her former mentor, hoping that some form of punishment - a stint in the royal dungeons, perhaps - will help her come to terms with the past. If only it were that easy.

Can a rift like the one that has grown between Sunset Shimmer and Princess Celestia even be closed at all?

A story of past mistakes, resentment, the possibility of forgiveness, and hope.

A rather terrific dramatic reading of this story performed by Goombasa is available here!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Many Secret Origins of Scootaloo

After everything that happened the last few months, Twilight has enjoyed some much deserved peace and quiet. But when Scootaloo disappears without a trace, the newest Equestrian Princess suddenly finds herself forced to lead the hunt for the missing filly. Aided only by Spike (and hindered by everyone else), Twilight must travel the globe and discover just where Scootaloo is.

Of course, that's easier said than done. Every pony seems to have an idea about what happened to Scootaloo and are ready to share their theories... whether Twilight and Spike want to hear them or not!

From the creator of 'The Many Secret Origins of Scootaloo', 'The God Squad', and 'Crisis of Infinite Twilights', comes the sequel no one asked for or even thought would happen (including said author!)

My thanks to CrowMagnon for inspiring this story. The rest of you can blame him as well.

Chapters (3)

Princess Celestia learns that, after a royal wedding, a Changeling invasion, and a investiture of a princess, Equestria is running short of money. A small loan from the neutral banks of Germaneigh would take care of the problem, and Celestia sends Luna and Twilight Sparkle to negotiate for the loan. Unfortunately, the Griffin Kingdom would love to see Equestria go bankrupt, and will stop at nothing to see the loan fail--including murder.

Nobody said being an alicorn princess would be easy...

Chapters (7)

What if Spike had been home when Tirek destroyed the Golden Oaks Library, and had been killed? What would Twilight do? More importantly, who would be able to stand in her way and stop her when she delivers retribution to those who have caused her to lose everything? After she defeats Tirek in combat, she turns her focus on all of Equestria, and those whom she lays blame upon for the death of one she held dear to her.

With the combined powers of all the princesses inside of her, and a deep anger within her soul, can she be stopped, or will all of Equestria answer to her wrath?

Written for the Twirant's Kingdom Competition in the Tyrant Sparkle group.

Proofreading and editing done by:

Chapters (3)

While bogged down in her work, Rarity receives a surprise visit from a very important individual. This is the chance she's been waiting for to make a name for herself, but how does one impress a pony who is seemingly perfect in every way? A story of believing in your ability to succeed. You never know when you'll catch the eye of just the right Pony.

Featuring fan art by: Those Kids in the Corner

This story has not been fully edited yet, i apologize for anything sloppy.

(Story was recently separated into 4 chapters... this is not new content :twilightsheepish:) (But apparently doing that got it in the feature box :twilightoops: So... WOO! FEATURED! 2/22/2015!)

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to That's Not Quite How He Told It...

(Takes place right after the appearance of Shining Armor and Cadance in Piercing the Heavens, but there is no need to read the behemoth to enjoy this little short.)

Twilight Sparkle is feeling down, watching her friends find love while she remains alone. She begins to wonder if as the Princess of Friendship, that is all she’s ever destined to have: Friendship. When Shining Armor and Princess Cadance come to visit, she agrees to let her BBBFF help on the matter!

And soon learns that she probably should have asked Cadance instead…

A story about longing and how searching actively for love seldom yields results. Love has a funny way of finding you.

Edited by: Kestrel

Featuring in chapter art by: eveyannie

Chapters (4)