• Member Since 26th Oct, 2015

Ice of Spade

All in the name of fun!

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Equestria finds itself caught in the cold war between the United Federation of Planets and the Klingon Empire. Can friendship prevail, or will this cold war turn hot, despite their best efforts?

This is a crossover with Star Trek, taking place in late 2269 of the Prime timeline, during the fourth year of the five-year mission of the original television series. It's not a crossover with the movies made by J.J. Abrams. It is mid-season five or so for Friendship is Magic. it is my humble offering for the fiftieth anniversary of Star Trek, which debuted September 8, 1966.

Thanks to FoalsHalf for being essentially my co-writer/sounding board, and to all those who have helped with proofreading and editing.

Space Battles thread.

Trope page... some day?

Chapters (23)

Twilight and Spike return to the Castle of the Two Sisters, only to find that their previous foray into its depths may not be what they remember.

Chapters (6)

Terran Republic oppression. New Conglomerate rebellion. Vanu Sovereignty ambition. Deep divisions have formed between the once united factions on Auraxis, and with each passing day of ceaseless fighting, they grow deeper. Whether by the power of Vanu, the dictates of fate, or perhaps a less-than-harmless prank by a certain mischievous spirit, representatives of these groups meet in a most unlikely place. Cut off from the rest of their faction and everything that made the endless war so endless, these confused and cautious soldiers must survive each other and the new perspectives these ponies bring to their struggles.


Planetside 2 crossover. Rated Teen for violence, brief suggestiveness and strong language.

Chapters (20)

Buck Shot is just an ordinary scavenger pony, doing what he can to get by in the cruel and unforgiving Equestrian Wasteland. One day, while he was out scavenging, he meets a power armored pony who has a lot to say about the history and nuances of the Equestrian Wasteland... and like it or not, Buck Shot is going to listen to what he has to say.

The original Fallout: Equestria was created by Kkat
The Storyteller is based on the character from The Fallout Lore Series by ShoddyCast

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to Into The Depths

The horrors of the catacombs have turned to distant memories for Celestia, Twilight, and Luna. Discord’s change of heart and Twilight’s coronation have helped to ease and erase the mental scars from that harrowing night. The three princesses can even smile and laugh as Nightmare Night moves into full swing.

Yet, it should never be forgotten that those who have been touched by Tirek are forever within his grasp.

Chapters (9)

When A Lone New Canterlot Republic Soldier finds The Mane Six in the desolate wasteland of Equestria, 400 years after the Mega-spells dropped, he takes it upon himself to get them home, and possibly, Prevent the war, whatever the costs.

*Note* Rated Teen for Sexual themes, drug abuse, Gore, and some language. Takes place around 400 years after the Mega spells, 200 years after the stories of Blackjack, and LittlePip.

*Update* The Finale is here, along with a sneak peek to the next book. Enjoy.

Chapters (14)

My half of an art trade with my good friend, MisterEbony. Starlight Glimmer has been a bad...BAD little pony. Ponies like her may deserve to burn in Hell...but Sans, perhaps, can reach through to her. Just maybe...if she's shown how powerful friendship truly is. A cute little story to warm the cockles of your heart! Rated teen for some naughty language. ;)

Chapters (1)

The Summer Sun Celebration. A holiday commemorating Celestia's triumph against Nightmare Moon. A day to herald in the coming of summer. One of the most amazing, most magnificent, most wonderful events in all of Equestria.

But not for Celestia. For her, the "celebration" is nothing but regret.

Chapters (1)

Starlight Glimmer is TRYING to be a good friend, but she just has this awful tendency to overreact at just about anything.

Like trying to rule over an entire village of brainwashed ponies because a friend moved away.

Chapters (1)