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Anon takes over Spike’s job of transcribing Twilight’s friendship reports. He does exactly what you’d expect.

Companion fic containing Celestia’s replies up to Letter 120 - To: Anon, From HRH Sunbutt written by Snow

Chapters (190)

This story is a sequel to Dear Princess Sunbutt

When Anon takes the liberty to inject his particular brand of humor into Twilight's friendship lessons, Celestia feels the need to respond, more often than not.

A somewhat unofficial sisterfic to 2Merr's Dear Princess Sunbutt

There may not be a response to every letter, and letters 1-11 were taken from my comments in said sister-story.

Please support 2Merr's story too if you like this one. This is written with encouragement of the original author.

(Note: Picture used without permission from Derpibooru. Upon request it will be promptly removed.)

EDIT: Apparently someone's done a reading of this and its sisterfic over on Youtube! Why does nopony tell me these things.

Chapters (154)

This story is a sequel to Secret of Flying

Blank Page continues his life in Equestria. Everything seems to be going his way for once... hah! Like that would ever realistically happen.

Even if nopony else did anything, he could get himself into plenty of trouble all on his own. 

So, while Equestria seems peaceful for now, that may change. Or at the very least, he'll manage to make his life interesting for himself.

Whether he likes it or not.

Big massive thanks to Sipioc for the cover art!

Chapters (47)

This story is a sequel to Flash Sentry, Defender of the Peace S2

After what could possibly be considered the most craziest wedding ever, Flash and friends are finally back home, safe and sound. However, when a new ancient and dark evil appears, its up to the Elements of Harmony to save the day once again. Will they win, or will this latest battle be their last?

Edited by KingJoltik

Now on TVtropes

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to Flash Sentry, Crystal Darkness

After their battle with King Sombra, Flash and friends are hoping to go back to Ponyville and relax. However, things are never what they seem, as the Elements of Harmony soon find out that new adventures and threats are just around the corner. And as these encounters make themselves known, they soon find out that it'll take more than the Elements to take on these new enemies.

Edited by KingJoltik

Now on TVtropes

Chapters (20)

There's a little known fact about Bonbon, aka Sweetie Drops. Though she's known as a tough as nails, hard-boiled mare that has stared down monsters, she's also a notorious cuddle bug. Unfortunately, Bonbon, as with most other ponies, is ignorant to this fact. Luckily for her, Adonis is more than happy to bring this closely guarded secret to light.

Chapters (1)

Like many fillies without a cutie mark, Trixie finds herself feeling aimless and unsure of herself. Naturally, she dreams of something big and hopes it has to do with magic. But the lessons at Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns are difficult and some of her fellow students are relentless in their bullying.

While pondering how exactly she is meant to discover her special talent, she meets a creature who seems to wield a great and powerful magic and has an answer to every question, especially the odd ones. And especially the ones Trixie never asked.

Chapters (13)

Ever since Rainbow Dash introduced Sunset to the human world’s version of the Daring Do series she has been an active member of the fan community. After spending countless hours in the Daring Do fansite’s Eris server, she’s made many friends, but there is only one that she feels a real connection with. The user who goes by the name “Gr0ss1y Incandescent”. Turns out this same User she’s been crushing happens to be her counterpart.

Punk Rock Prom Queen Presents a tale of self-love taken to its hilariously logical conclusion.

Featured on 2/1/18

My entry into Aragon's Comedy (is serious business) Contest under the prompt we learned something narcissistic.

Chapters (1)

For the longest time, Twilight Sparkle had problems with dating. Although she was the Princess of Friendship, the stallions she had attempted to progress beyond friendship with always seemed to shy away, sometimes at a rapid gallop. Well, this time she has the problem solved. If she can't find a stallion who will be romantic with her, she is going to make a stallion who wants to be romantic with her.

What could possibly go wrong?

Editors: Tek, Starlight_Glimmer, Mitch H, FTL
Picture Credit MoonlightFan on Deviant Art (Little Tigress on FimFiction)
Now on Equestria Daily

Chapters (7)

George has a lot to learn about Equestria. For the most part he's been doing that by reading all he can at the royal library, where he works. He's not too concerned with going out and making friends but meeting one pony may change how he feels about things.

Thanks to FallenAngel for commissioning this story.

Chapters (6)