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After constant hassling from her parents combined with the long nights spent with only Tank for company, Rainbow Dash decides to give the dating scene a try. Unfortunately, it isn't until she's given a few stallions in Ponyville a chance to impress her does she realize the perfect stallion has been right in front of her the whole time! He understands her competitiveness, need for speed, and her hatred of boredom. There's just one problem: he could end up destroying the world.

Chapters (4)

A year after Princess Twilight's coronation, a guard interrupts a conversation between her, Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna. "Changelings! Queen Chrysalis and her Changelings are right outside Canterlot!"
"Really? What are they doing?"
"Um...they're...they're just waiting...politely..."
"Well, then. Please tell them that I will be with them shortly."

Of Changelings and Alicorns: in which Twilight learns something new.

Chapters that look like ***chapter name*** have been edited since they were first published. I would advise, if you haven't read the new versions, you should do so.

Character list may change as the story goes on.

Currently marked as "On Hiatus" because of school and writer's block.

Cover art credit goes to Bico!

Chapters (3)

Twilight Sparkle. Pardon; Princess Twilight Sparkle cheated in her first flight.

Now she wants to learn how to use wings and in the process, something... Unexpected is bound to happen...

Edited by the amazing Echriedz
Temporary picture by the incredible Pimmy

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash struggles to figure out why Pinkie Pie keeps acting weird, and seems so happy about spending Hearts and Hooves with hanging out with her, while also puzzling over the fact that Cloud Kicker and Blossomforth seem to be going out of their way to help the two of them enjoy the day.

Cloud Kicker and Blossomforth need to have their own tags, because they're awesome characters who deserve to have more stories written about them.

Has a semi-sequel-follow-up-side-story:"The Life and Times of a Winning Pony."

Chapters (2)

After being saved one day by Rainbow Dash, Silver Spoon develops a crush on the number one flyer of Ponyville. Needless to say, a certain Pegasus filly isn't too pleased with this.

Chapters (1)

One day on a trip to the market, Fluttershy discovers that things are getting caught in her tail. What kinds of things? Interesting things. Strange things. Their origins are all questionable at best.

Spanish Translation by SPANIARD KIWI: https://www.deviantart.com/spaniard-kiwi/art/La-cola-de-Fluttershy-1000352121

Chapters (1)