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Donnie! What the shell did that thing do to us!? Where are we!?

I-I don't know! That wasn't supposed to happen! It must've malfunctioned!

Calm down, Raph.

Why should I!? It's his fault we're here in...God knows where!


Dudes...I don't think we're in New York anymore...

Cover art by S-bis

Chapters (14)

A head full of romance is what many Canterlot ponies would call a frivolous waste of time. Everypony was meant to play by the rules of high society: keep your nose in the air, laugh at important ponies' jokes, and attend all of the right parties. Upper Crust and Jet Set had been diligent in raising their daughter Crystal Wishes to be a pony everypony would know, but she wanted more out of life than that. She hoped she would someday meet a handsome prince and fall in love, just like in the stories she wrote.

Crystal knew life wasn't as easy as a foal's tale, but that didn't stop her from dreaming. All of the wishes, hopes, and dreams inside her heart escaped into her precious notebook as she wrote about princesses in power and dashing knights. So long as nopony found out her secret, she could continue to play the part of a dutiful daughter while waiting for her own love story to begin.

Chapters (110)