• Member Since 23rd Feb, 2016


Fan of purple technocolor ponies and the 'Dashfire'/'Twidash' ships

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Estimated Reading: 12 hours



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After a sudden realization about how Shining Armor became a captain in the Royal Guard, Rainbow Dash hatches an insidious plot to become Captain of the Wonderbolts by following in his hoofsteps in the only appropriate manner...

By sleeping with a Princess, of course!

A collab fic with Doccular42. Needless to say, neither of us were in our right minds when we created this.

Pre-reading done by PegasusMesa and PheonixStarr

Editing done by m1ntf4n.

all are awesome!

Chapters (1)

When Spitfire finds herself grounded on the team injured list just before a show in Manehatten, she prepares for her life to crumble around her. The experience leads her to come across Rainbow Dash, temporarily managing the Manehatten weather teams. The two fliers will discover that sometimes it takes the darkest moments of our lives to find the brightest ones.

The Sequel: Feathers of Blue and Gold is out now!
Review in progress by Inky J
Video Review by Goomba Brony!
Video review by the wonderful ChaoticSeven!
Edited by the wonderful Taxus, Sorren, and Sojourner.
I do my own cover art.

Chapters (43)

Soarin and Rainbow Dash have been friends for a long time, but they've both wanted to be more than that. When they finally accomplish this, tragedy strikes the couple. Will they be able to pull through together? How many tears will be shed by the reader?

Please feel free to give your criticism in the comments so I can know how to get better as a writer. Thanks guys (and girls)!

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Fire & Rain

To say that the Wonderbolt's last trip to Manehatten was eventful would be an understatement. Spitfire broke her wing, met Rainbow Dash, dated Rainbow Dash, and a planned thunderstorm went out of control landing many ponies in the hospital. Now with Spitfire getting "promoted" to command of the Wonderbolt's Academy and Rainbow Dash on the mend from her own injuries, the two will learn just how much life can still throw at them.

Meanwhile, Soarin and Rapidfire must come to grips with their new roles as leaders of the Wonderbolts. Soarin doesn't know if he's up to the task, and Rapidfire doesn't know if he even wants to stay. All these trials and more await them further on up the road...

Pre-reading and Editing: LoyalLiar, The24thPegasus, SolidFire, Sorren, and Skeeter The Lurker.
I do my own cover art.

Chapters (11)