Favourites 369 stories
  • Favourites 369 stories - 822 unread chapters
    Created by kirbuu
    - October, 2014
Found 323 stories in 57ms

Total Words: 20,010,656
Estimated Reading: 7 weeks



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Twilight breaks Celestia's doors.

But then, you'd be mad too, if your stupid brother got drunk and told you that you were adopted...

Chapters (1)

In a bout of boredom, Twilight Sparkle decides to make a clockwork automaton. When she tries to give it limited sentience, enough to follow basic instructions, she is more than a little shocked to discover that she has inadvertently put the soul of a living being within...

Now, Twilight has to cope with a living machine.

A silly little thing, not meant to be taken too seriously.

Chapters (3)

A night of tequila and bad choices lead to a man being ponyfied. He thinks it's only a dream, but is quickly labeled Ponyville's resident lunatic.

Also giant robots, for some reason.

This is a companion to my story, A Dream.
These chapters are the random stories that don't match any episode of the show.

Chapters (40)

As the Cakes make a very special gingerbread house the act reminds them of their lives together; hinting at those they loved, challenges they faced, and the struggles that continue even after lovers say "I do"...

Inspired by the image "Artist Training Ground Day 22" by Egophiliac. Used with permission.

Chapters (17)

While Princess Luna is away celebrating Nightmare Night in Ponyville, Celestia tries on a strange black bauble from her sister's jewelry box. The result will be the creation of the most terrifying thing Equestria has ever seen. The Sun herself turns against all the ponies in Canterlot. Can Luna and her Lunar Stallions possibly hope to stop her? And if so, does Luna have the fortitude to strike down her sister in the end?

FEATURED May 16th 2012!

Chapters (10)

Princess Luna's Lunar Stallions are an elite guard force of seventy, the descendants of the originals from a thousand years ago. Her lover leads them, and they've begun to flourish and be accepted by society. But now there's a new super-power in Canterlot, and she's killing the criminal ponies she catches rather than arresting them. The descendant of Luna's avatar of WAR has emerged. Her ancestor was the one mare to ever go into battle with the Lunar Stallions, the Moon Champion. Can the Lunar Stallions stop this killing machine? Who is she?

Chapters (10)

Princess Luna falls comatose and is revived by the love-sick kiss of one of Celestia's guards. As a reward, she leads him to the ancient hidden barracks of her long forgotten guardian force. Their slowly blossoming romance gives birth to a breed of royal guard not seen in 1,000 years. The Lunar Stallions!

Chapters (11)

Octavia Philharmonica is a desperate mare. Her involvement in the ill-fated "pony pokey" at the prestigious Grand Galloping Gala has left her blacklisted among the elite of Canterlot who form her clientele. Faced with the possibility of being evicted from her apartment for inability to pay rent she decides to take a temporary job at a local nightclub. Of course, she's never set hoof in a club before and has no idea what she's getting involved in . . .

Chapters (20)

After Twilight Sparkle discovers a new book of pick-up-lines, she wants to bring her friends closer by complimenting them with cheesy lines.

And it does more than bring them closer...

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to When the Man Comes Around

The second story in The Journey of Graves.

With the rogue marshals dealt with and order restored, Graves has received instructions to stay and protect the town from wild creatures that have moved into the Everfree Forest. Only, what's a man of action supposed to do when there's absolutely nothing to do? With some help from his new friends, Graves will learn what it means to settle down in Ponyville.

Chapters (4)