Favourites 369 stories
  • Favourites 369 stories - 822 unread chapters
    Created by kirbuu
    - October, 2014
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Total Words: 20,010,656
Estimated Reading: 7 weeks



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When Ruby boards the first trans-oceanic flight in Equestrian history, the last place she expects to end up is stranded in the middle of Eternity's Crossing in the wake of a horrific zeppelin crash. After a mysterious tower leads her and a fellow survivor to discover a twisted and fragmented city twenty thousand feet below the surface of the ocean, though, a bit of fire and smoke is the last thing she needs to worry about. Between the horrendously disfigured residents and the paranoia of the madmare who once built and controlled it, daily survival in this corrupted utopia is anything but a guarantee. But with the help of some new friends and a few genetic enhancements, Ruby isn't going down without a fight, and in the process might just discover that the deadliest weapon in Harmony is herself.

An adaptation of BioShock for the world of MLP. Written to be comprehensible to anyone, regardless of whether they've played the original game.

Chapters (12)

When English teacher Connie Hayden is told by a mysterious new friend that there is a way to travel from the human world to Equestria, she doesn't believe her. But what if the legend of Pinkamena is true?

Illustration by the talented BambooDog.

Chapters (6)

The Doctor goes beyond Equestria in this third installment of the Doctor Whooves Series.

When a chance encounter with the Doctor in the middle of Ponyville causes Zecora to run away in blind terror, he is understandably perplexed, as the two had never met before. Shortly after, the cryptic zebra turns up suffering from a mysterious ailment that is somehow related to her homeland of Zebrica, and the Doctor, Twilight, and (much to their surprise) Fluttershy must travel to the distant savannah in the TARDIS to discover the cause of her distress. But what begins as a search for a cure will lead to a darker place than one might believe possible, as a mystery spanning the whole of time and space deepens and hungry gods from far-off memories demand the Time Lord’s blood.


"Along Came a Spider" is the third Doctor Whooves Episode and the fourth of the expanded "Number 12" continuity begun by the inspirational Squeak-anon.

It is strongly recommended to read the following fics here on FIMFiction before proceeding with "Along Came a Spider."

1 - Number 12 by Squeak-anon
2 - Traveler by Squeak-anon
3 - The Pinkie Conundrum
4 - Game of Stones

Comments and critiques are very much desired and let this crazed writer know that the herd does indeed care.

Elements of Number 12 & Traveler: Squeak-anon
Doctor Whooves Intro posted on YouTube by: Cshep99
Cover art provided by FoxInShadow from deviantart.com
Proofreader, Editor and Number One Assistant: 2dextreem

*Rated T for scary moments and some Doctor Who level violence.*

Chapters (11)

Prince Blueblood thought the Grand Galloping Gala was over. He thought he could just go to sleep and put it behind him. He never expected to be reliving the same disaster of a day, over and over... and over.

TV tropes page here:

Thanks to all the people who wrote the page and all the people who gave me a little wakeup call and comment to become aware of that fact! You can't see it, but you guys put a real smile on my face tonight.

Also, recently, extra thanks to RD Dash for giving TBNE a thorough editing. I've updated the fic accordingly (7.11.12)

Chapters (5)

After an accident, a lone Time Lord finds himself mysteriously transported to the land of Equestria. Not only that, but he seems to have transformed into a pony. How peculiar. What strange adventures will he have in this magical land, and who will he meet?

Thumbnail by http://marikaefer.deviantart.com ((Used with permission))

Chapters (2)

Renting the supposedly-haunted "Apartment 13" may not have been the best idea, but it has certainly been the most interesting. David Clarkston and Key Lime are the most unlikely of roommates, but they're united by two common threads: they both needed a place to stay, and they both needed a friend.

A/N: This is a work of random inspiration one evening. I have no idea where it came from. Marked "On Hiatus" because I make no promises that I'll continue it, but it seemed interesting enough to be worth sharing.

Chapters (3)

Ever noticed how almost nopony knows how to properly discern between tracks and favorites?

Critical acclaims:


Holy shit this is meta.....so very meta....


Chapters (1)

A slice of life fanfiction with the occasional story arc. MASH is a story about six friends, their less than normal lives, and the interesting world they live in. Co-written by Andrew Joshua Talon of "Progress" and "Beating the Heat" fame.

Cover Image by Mirakurunaito

Chapters (3)

From a young age, Ditzy Doo knew she wasn't like most ponies. Jinxed and uncoordinated, she was shunned from all social circles as she grew up. When a friend finally comes her way, Ponyville's residential mailmare will surprise everyone—including herself—when she demonstrates how far she's willing to go to keep that friendship.

Chapters (7)

One by one, Twilight and her friends must come to terms with the consequences of being the Elements of Harmony.

These stories take place in the intervening time between Season One and Season Two,
with the exception of Ditzy Doo: Muffins, which takes place early in Season One.

The series continues in the sequel, Secrets and Lies.

Pony Psychology has a TV Tropes Page.

Chapters (13)