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When Lance Strongshy's medical career is endangered due to relentless nightmares depriving him of sleep, his daughter Fluttershy once again overlooks the horrible past she suffered at his hooves and enlists the help of her friends to cure him. But, when the only sufficiently expedient solution turns out to be a certain spell that Twilight was instructed to never cast again, it becomes uncertain if their efforts will save him, or utterly destroy him.

A sequel to JakeHeritagu's Silent Ponyville 2, read that first if you haven't already: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/4868/Silent-Ponyville-2

And THAT one is the sequel to JakeHeritagu's Silent Ponyville so if you haven't read either here's where you should start: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/106/Silent-Ponyville

(First cover art by http://manwhomurderedtime.deviantart.com/ )
(Current cover art by http://www.fimfiction.net/user/SamRose )

Chapters (32)

Rarity's exploits in "Sweet and Elite" set in motion a chain of events that will find the unicorn dressmaker taking part in the greatest airship race in the world, the Alicorn's Cup. Excitement will give way to terror, as Rarity soon finds herself the victim of a plot against Equestria, and shipwrecked far from home with her least favorite stallion, the boorish Prince Blueblood. Rarity will learn of treachery in Canterlot and abroad, and will have search for something of substance beneath the prince's obnoxious veneer as she struggles to not only save herself, but her entire nation.

Part One of Three
The Adamant Triskelion - Book One: The Flight of the Alicorn
The Adamant Triskelion - Book Two: The Abyssal Forge
The Adamant Triskelion - Book Three: ???

Chapters (26)

Hi, my name is Ditzy Doo. Many of you know me as the author of the 'Wasteland Survival Guide'. For 200 years I wandered the Equestrian Wasteland, and through those experiences I gained the knowledge that I shared with everypony through the Guide. Now, it's time to tell my side of the story.

Chapters (21)

On a dark night filled with even darker magics, an insane cult attempts to give Nightmare Moon a body and life of her own, utterly separate from Princess Luna. But, when the spell is interrupted by Celestia, something unexpected is created.

Now, a little black alicorn filly named Nyx finds herself living under the care of Twilight Sparkle, only to be haunted by memories and emotions from her past. Is she Nightmare Moon reborn or is she simply a doppelganger with a soul and mind of her own? Can Twilight Sparkle protect Nyx from those who refuse to see past her dragon eyes and black coat?

Or, will Nyx be forced to inherit the sins that may not even be hers and become the greatest evil Equestria has ever known?

Chapters (22)

Apple Bloom has a very important classroom duty, at least according to Miss Cheerilee.

Second place winner in the January Writeoff - All In

Chapters (1)

Now with an audio reading by Skijarama!

Now with a print version available for order!

A purple Alicorn shows up one night and then vanishes into thin air. Many wouldn't think anything of it besides how strange it was.

Not Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash has met that Alicorn before.

The implication it brings and the guilt that follows leaves Rainbow Dash with questions weighing on her mind.

Luckily, in the crushing pain of reality, she still has friends.


Cover art created by the extremely talented invertigo and paid for by the amazingly awesome Shipmun. Oh my gosh it's just so cool.

Chapters (15)

One cold autumn night, Twilight Sparkle lets in a pale and weary traveler into her home. When she accidentally discovers his dark secret, she is assaulted by him, and is left to die... When she woke up, she finds that she has been turned into a Vampire, an ancient enemy of Equestria last seen during Nightmare Moon's Rebellion. She now walks the thin line between life and death, sustained only by the blood of others.

Her friends now race against time to find a cure for this ancient curse, and stop the Vampire who infected Twilight, before he can create a new army of Vampires to conquer Equestria. Otherwise, Twilight will join the forces of evil and darkness, as the Bride for the Lord of Vampires. They have to work quickly, as every day passes, Twilight's thirst for her friends' blood increases...

Chapters (13)

Note: This story is currently undergoing rewrites. A blog will be posted later describing some of these changes.

As I wake up, my head aches and my throat burns. Where am I? How did I get here?

Blurry memories of pain and suffering fade in and out as I try to identify my surroundings. There is a vague familiarity to the place but I don't know why.

I begin to ask myself many things. What am I doing here? Where is "here"? Why can't I remember anything? Why can I not even remember my name?

All the same, I can only manage to recall but a few precious memories. Something is very wrong with this place. And my friends—friends whose names I do not even remember—are in terrible danger. Something very bad has happened to this place and everypony in it. My body becomes cold and I am denied every other thought except for one:

I must escape.

An adaptation of Amnesia: The Dark Descent in the world of MLP:FiM. Formerly titled "Amnesia: The Equine's Shadow"; name was changed, but is not final. Rewrites are in-progress.

Reading by CrazedRambling (very outdated): I / II / III / IV / V / VI

Chapters (8)

Some say he is just an urban legend. Others call him a ghost. Others still call him a heartless monster, living on nothing but rage, fear, and isolation.

But what is the real story behind "the Phantom Pony of Everfree"?

Fluttershy accidentally wanders into the territory of the pony everyone fears, and she is a witness to his cold, frightening fury. Scared to tears, Fluttershy is determined never to cross him again. But later, she witnesses something thought to be impossible, and deduces for herself that this "Phantom" is really a gentle, kind pony who merely suffers from the pain of loneliness. She then strives to learn the secrets behind this menace of a pony: who he is, why he lives in the woods, and why he is so angry.

The Phantom Pony, Nocturne, wants nothing to do with Fluttershy, and wants to avoid her at all costs. But his feelings toward her, and her friends, fluctuate over time, and he finds his mind and heart slowly changing. Whether for better or for worse, he is unsure, and he finds himself helpless against the kind light of a mare who may just know him better than he knows himself.

A rewrite of "Kind Light - A Gentle Dark Supplemental", combined with the rewrite of Chapter 1 of "The Gentle Dark".

Special thanks to the amazing Spirit Shift, a man far more talented than I, for the incredible artwork of the title character.

Featured on 3/17/2016!

Chapters (27)

A mysterious machine appears in Ponyville. At first, it's a curiosity. After its purpose is discovered, however, it quickly becomes a menace and Twilight must figure out a way to destroy it before peaceful Ponyville is torn apart at the seams.

A crossover with Machine of Death intended for readers unfamiliar with the novel.

Published on EQD September 15, 2012. Cover art rendered by Alexstrazsa.

Audiobook by Scribbler!

Chapters (1)