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Moxie gazed over the stallion in front of her, as the crowd stared at them in turn. Fellow nobles, dignitaries, and her parents had all gathered here, in the balmy mansion of her birth, to witness this occasion. The final words had been said, and they were now officially husband and wife. But she was not happy; this was not her wish.

She ran her hoof down the lock of blue hair entwined in her mane. Her whole life had been decided for her, everything coordinated to the tiniest detail. What she had learnt, how she spent her leisure, who she knew, whose company she enjoyed, whom she had pledged herself to, everything... except the one trip she had taken to Canterlot without the permission of her parents, that is. The glimmering blue strands linger as a testament to her last free action...

Featured on EqD: 13-11-2013

Chapters (1)

One day, as Lyra and Bon Bon played together in the wintery snow, a tragic accident takes place, forcing Lyra into the unknown. Now, neck-deep in this unsettling situation, the mare must make a choice. One that will permanently change her life.

[Cover image by jcharlesmachiavelli]

Chapters (2)

After a long day of flight practice with Scootaloo, Rainbow Dash discovers the filly knows next to nothing about preening and takes it upon herself to teach her.

Warning: May Contain Feels and/or D'aww moments.

Featured on FIMFiction on 7/20/2013. Yay!
Featured on EQDaily on 09/12/2013 Double Yay!
Reading by TheLostNarrator (excellent!): Here
Reading by DRWolf: Here
Reading by Joehighlord: Here
Riffed by Draklox: Here
Korean Translation: Here
Spanish Translation: Here
French Translation: Here
Chinese Translation: Here

Chapters (1)

Twilight has always loved mysteries. Researching them, dissecting them, and finally, solving them. Almost nothing could compare to the joy she feels when finding an answer to a question no pony knew.

But there are mysteries with answers better left unheard, truths that aren't meant to be known. Now Twilight has solved a mystery with an answer she doesn't want, an answer she can never forget.

Chapters (1)

(5 stars on EQD, yay!) Frustrated with repeated failures, Rainbow Dash reluctantly calls upon the aid of her friends to help her push the envelope. Hijinks ensue. But making the impossible possible, while neglecting other things, may have unforeseen consequences and sunder her from those for whom she cares the most.

Art commissioned for the story is by the wonderful artists tt-n and FruitBloodMilkaShake. Prereaders: Starfall & Steel Resolve

(Please note: looking back at the earlier chapters now, it's easy to spot countless little editing mistakes I made. Please don't let this deter you too much; I do get a little better somewhere along the line. And hopefully I'll continue improving in that department.)

Chapters (8)

With the events of the Molestia Night behind them, Luna's mind wanders around the topic. It is only a couple days later that she remembers some very crucial details about her stay on the moon. With the night young once more and her passion heavy, she seeks answers to the questions that her older sister brought up, as well as to her own. The way she does it, however, turns out to be very... Naaaaughtyyyyy...

-The events that take place in this story kick off directly after the events in the Epilogue of Princess Molestia.

Chapters (10)

In the ancient city of Sodom, Lyra and Bon Bon sneak onto Noah's Ark by pretending to be husband and wife. Thanks to a fake horn on Bon Bon, the human prophet Noah thinks the two marefriends are the missing unicorn couple he needed for the ark.

Can Lyra and Bon Bon keep their true identities hidden from Noah? It won't be easy when their every move is being scrutinized by the cripplingly homophobic earth pony couple. Will Evangelical Hope and her husband Adamic Faith expose Lyra and Bon Bon for who they are, or will this forty day cruise be smooth sailing?

Cover image by Why485

Chapters (5)