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This story is a sequel to Twilight's Final Salvo

The School of Explosions was co-founded by Twilight and Discord, owing to their shared love of explosions. Gathering teachers from all over Equestria, shenanigans will happen as they try to teach creatures the art of explosions.

The chapters are not in chronological order, but I will leave a date before every chapter to try and leave a coherent timeline. Chapters will update whenever I get an idea, so updates will be irregular.

Chapters (3)

In the far reaches of Canterlot Castle, high above in the towers lived the archmage. Everypony knew her, yet few had met her.

Twilight Sparkle sighed, having teleported away another noble seeking favors before reaching the top of the stairs for the second time today. They never learned. As the archmage, she already dealt with political squabbles far too often without inviting them into her home. Aside from personal favors for Celestia, she did what was required of her position and then returned to seclusion and research.

The nobility grumbled that no archmage should be a commoner, and Twilight’s disrespect toward them proved it. Each and every time they were forced to bow to her, they hated what they saw: the position, the status, the deference.

Was she not powerful? Was she not great?

Twilight, now reading through dusty scrolls and long forgotten tales, wrote in her notes — notes gathering dust of their own. A brief thought flashed through her mind.

Am I not powerful? Am I not great?

And then Twilight picked up The Tale of the Royal Pony Sisters.

Defunct side stories told in Across the Boundary. They can still provide a little context, but when in doubt, the main story here is canon.

Cover art provided by Lafiir

Chapters (31)

After hearing from Sunset about the Anon-A-Miss scandal at Canterlot High, Twilight decides to set things straight. Right after she gives her friends an earful on how stupid they are.

A parody of everyone's favorite Equestria Girls comic story, because it seems to be the only one we like.

Chapters (1)

Twilight isn't having a very good day. An experimental spell blew up in her face, an army of changelings is attacking Canterlot, and she just died. Yet somehow, it looks like it's going to keep going downhill from here.

Given the chance to correct what's gone wrong, Twilight swears she's going to fix all this even if it kills her. Which it will. Frequently.

Cover art by Pixel Prism
Spanish Translation
Series TV Tropes page

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to Seven of Six: A Screaming Butterfly

Twilight Sparkle is a unicorn prodigy, her special talent of magic allowing her to wield all manner of the arcane arts with ease. She is an SGU graduate, has connections with the Royal Guard, knows Princess Celestia, and is a mother to a juvenile dragon.

She's also apprenticed to Discord, Lord of Chaos and Disharmony.

And he has a mission for her. A fallen alicorn named Nightmare Moon will soon return to bring eternal night and assured death to all the world. It's up to her to retrieve the Elements of Harmony and stop her.

Join her as she explores a familiar town, befriends familiar ponies, and completes a quest that's as old as the fandom itself, but with a twist.

A retelling of the pilot episode Friendship is Magic, but set in one of Starlight's alternate timelines.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Rot

After the events in 'Rot', Twilight Sparkle has finally come to terms with her new self. Can she control her new powers? Can she ever have anything close to a 'normal' life again? And what happens when Discord's past mistakes come home to pass judgement on the 'new' Princess of Friendship?

Chapters (8)

Twilight Sparkle is undeniably a prodigy and has the skill and knowledge of a unicorn five years her elder as well as the power of one as well. This knowledge and power has drawn Princess Celestia's attention, with the alicorn beginning to wonder if the young unicorn will be the one to fulfill an ancient prophecy that would save her sister. A prophecy that would have come to fruition, had the alicorn's own checkered past not come back to doom the filly to a life of fire and brimstone.

Go check out this story's sister story!
Updates twice a month!

Story So Far (Been awhile? Get up to speed by checking out this blog!)

Chapters (99)

Now with an amazing YouTube reading by the equally amazing AShadowOfCygnus!

During its two year search for Shepard, the lone Geth traveled across the galaxy, exploring worlds both known and unknown. After a blind FTL jump to escape from an Alliance patrol, it found itself in a previously undiscovered system, a system without a mass relay and completely cut off from the rest of the galaxy. It touched down on one of the worlds, a garden-like planet, with the intention of gathering data on any flora and fauna that may have been present.

Instead, it made a remarkable discovery.

Edit at 8:10 AM on 8/17/2014: Scanning...Featured Box Achieved! This unit humbly thanks all organics and fellow synthetics for their support!

A big thanks to my bloody brilliant proofreader AShadowOfCygnus. Don't stop being classy, buddy.
NOTE: This story takes place years before the Return, back when Twilight was just a filly.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic belongs to Hasbro.
Mass Effect belongs to BioWare and Electronic Arts.

Chapters (5)

Staring out at the desert i cant help but wonder how if i could have done better. Was there a way that i could have proven that it wasn't cadence at the wedding? Maybe if i had i would be home in Equestria in stead of here at Enotita. Maybe i would still be a unicorn instead of a kirin. Maybe i would still be a scholar instead of a guard. Maybe i would still be the prince's student. Maybe.

Chapters (1)

Discord is awakened by all of the drama from the changeling attack on Shining Armor's and Princess Cadance's wedding. Twilight Sparkle can't shake the whispers in the back of her head causing her to doubt her friends and family. Will Shining Armor and Cadance ever get to say 'I Do'? And what will become of Equestria?
Probably Chaos...

Chapters (29)