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After a mishap with a falling star, Princess Luna crashes into Ponyville, only to be saved by Big Macintosh. Overly grateful, Luna calls upon an ancient contract which binds her to the draft pony as his personal servant. Can Big Macintosh co-exist with an overzealous moon goddess, her creepy assistant, and an army of evil looking guards long enough for Twilight to find a loophole to get him out of the pact?

Featured on 9/5/2012

Chapters (4)

An imaginary friend. That is what Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash had decided the mad pony in the box was, but the raggedy doctor was far more than that. When the supposed-imaginary Doctor appears in present day Ponyville, looking as though mere seconds has passed since they last saw him, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy are in for some very real trouble.

((Heavily inspired by the Doctor Who episode "The Eleventh Hour," as such it will contain plenty of references but the story goes in its own direction. Conceived as an 'episode' with subsequent sequels acting as other episodes in a larger series.) )

Chapters (5)

The Doctor and his companion Darkfire go on a trip to Zenchon, but a rift opens, pulling them in. They meet 3 other Doctors and their companions. Now, they must stop the evil Destructo who is keeping them in this Alternate reality, and return home.
Trailer: http://www.fimfiction.net/blog/157654/time-pony-trailer

Chapters (4)