• Member Since 30th Apr, 2013


I write stories so that I won't be kept awake at night with a brain full of ponies.

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An homage to stories like The Substitute Demon, ALL GLORY TO THE OVERGOAT!!!, and 1000 Virgin Mares, 1 Frickin' Badass Dark Overdude, Infinite Facehoofing

One thousand years ago, the Princesses Celestia and Luna were blindsided by the return of the Masters of Equus. The cult of power-mad alicorns, thought to have been banished from Equestria forever, appeared in the middle of the Princesses' battle for supremacy, and caged them away. The rest of Equestria quickly fell to their might. Even the fearsome Discord was forced to his knees before them. All of Equestria was enslaved, and an era of misery began.

Now, one thousand years later, a lone unicorn mare has learned of a creature that might be able to overthrow the Masters. A creature immune to magic, overwhelming in size and strength, sealed away for centuries uncounted. A creature of ultimate evil: the Smooze.

Unfortunately for Starlight Glimmer, in trying to ensure the creature's obedience, she modified the summoning ritual a bit too far.

Because of her meddling, the soul of a recently-deceased human is pulled from Limbo, and given life, but not exactly a body. Now he has to help her save the world, or face obliteration.

Not much of a choice, is it?

Inspired by Pen Mightier and Bucking Nonsense, the legends who – to my knowledge – popularized the "human in villain's body becomes Equestria's savior" genre. May your inkwells never run dry.

Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to The Prince

Returning to the land of his birth as the human TD Powell, Antares must try to find a way home. But if he returns to Equestria, will it be the same one he knows? Will he be able to cope with the ever-changing world around him?

Edited wonderfully by Strike89 and roker12

Buy a print copy of the original story here!

Chapters (22)

Discord is brought to Ponyville to be reformed. As a safety precaution, he is deprived of his magic before his release. Naturally, he is upset by this, but...
No one thought that the powerless spirit of chaos would actually run away! Twilight Sparkle won't let him get a way with it!

A word of warning: If you read for the Twilight x Discord, be aware that the buildup to actual romance in this story is extremely long. You will have to read for a long time before receiving gratification romance-wise. However, once it is established, the romance will be ongoing from then on.

Chapters (28)

After the first night of celebration in Ponyville, Spike woke up to find himself as his pony caretaker, Twilight Sparkle. To add to his shock, the original Spike still acted like the dragon himself. Who was he then?

Facing with such a bizarre occurrence, the now-pony decided to go about fixing it alone, and trotted down a path of unknown.

Chapters (19)

Nightmare Moon's return was cause for a lot a fear and panic. A lot of Chaos. Isn't it possible, nay probable, that all of that might have reached a certain draconequus statue? A certain draconequus that, once free, is a bit confused about what happened, and decides to investigate into who alicorn-napped Celestia and stole his shtick. When he realizes its Luna as what he dubs "The Eternal Prom Night Queen" (among other things) that's when things get interesting.

Watch how things unhold for the Mane 6, the Princesses, and all of Equestria when Discord not only gets free during Nightmare Moon's return, but also playing a major role in stopping her and saving the day. And seriously, what now, princess? Going to stone the hero while pardoning the villain?

This will be a Rewrite of the series. Don't worry though, Discord may seem nicer than he should be, but he is more curious than anything.

PS I'm honestly not sure if I'm using the correct tags, so they may or may not change in later chapters.
PSS Not sure how important this is, but I've seen other authors list it:
Featured December 26-31, 2015

Chapters (3)

Unofficially edited by TheGreatEater
Hi. My name is Spike, Spike the dragon. I live in Ponyville with my caretaker Twilight. She's my best, and kind of my only friend. I'd even go far as to call her family. Everything was fine...until she had that baby. At first I was really happy, that maybe I could have a little brother or sister. But Twilight...she treats that kid...like she loves them more than me. I mean, she RAISED me. I always kinda viewed her as my mom. But it's clear she's started her own family...and I'm not part of it.

https://villainsfanon.fandom.com/wiki/Clarity by Imepic20
https://herofanon.fandom.com/wiki/Spike_(I%27m_Your_Son_Too) by Imepic20

Chapters (15)

Though most view them as simply immortal powerful rulers, some ponies worship the Princesses as actual Goddesses. Some families with deep Earth Pony roots worship the old Nature Spirits of their ancestors.
But some ponies turn to darker forces. They worship monsters and demons, praying for plagues and misfortunes upon those they despise.

One day, Discord finds out that in his "extended absence", a cult formed with him as the Central Deity. Unfortunately, it's not exactly what he would want. These ponies will soon find out it's a bad idea to anger your god.

Edit 5/18/18: New cover art courtesy of the illustrious Mix-up. Check out the original here.

Chapters (5)

Parents tell their foals that they can be anything that they want.
For me, however, it's a bit more literal.
At least it would be if my parents had said that.
Or if I knew them at all!
So what do you do when you can become anypony?
You become a spy, of course.


Chapters (17)

All he knew was his globe. He was left inside of it as punishment for his devious crimes, but that was hundreds of years ago. Still, he sits inside his spherical home, his mind slowly degrading as each day passes.

He can't even remember what he did wrong in the first place.

The scary thing is, neither can the alicorn who put him there.

Regardless of how justified his situation is, he knows for sure that he will make the absolute best of it.

His snow globe will be the best snow globe.

Cover image by HoodwinkedTales
Story input by Enigmatic Otaku and ROBCakeran53

Chapters (8)

You are the Dragon King! For thousands of years you have lived as the top predator in the land, doing what you please, killing anything that gets in your way, or just any one you felt like killing.
When no one was left to challenge your might you sought out the greatest powers in he land; The Alicorn Sisters.
After a heated battle they did the unthinkable; they beat you. As your life trickled away however, you found it was not the end.
You awaken 1,500 years later, your memories intact. Your once glorious body, replaced with something... smaller.



FEATURED!!! Thanks everyone!

New cover by Mix-up

Chapters (16)