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Spike's stealing again. He's not sure what caused it, but that doesn't really matter much. What matters is getting a solution.

Fortunately, there is one: Cogitin, a drug that numbs the influence of one's own magic, silencing any compulsions that might arise from it. Ponies use it all the time when they have problems with their talents.

And the drug is perfectly safe, with no side effects.

In principle, at least.

(May rustle some jimmies.)

Chapters (5)

It had been a long day at work, so I went for my usual stroll.
This was normal for me. I didn't know where I was going, nor did I care. It was nice.

But by some odd twist of events, I found myself lost in a world that was not my own.

Cover Art by tsonline

Chapters (6)

Doomie has been trying to get out of the hive for a while now. Ever since that 'incident' with the wedding the queen has only one changeling out at a time to collect love. Now it was his turn, and he was going to collect it from the one pony that his queen doesn't want any changeling to go towards, and if that wasn't breaking the rules. He won't even disguise either. He'll just be original and surprise her by shrinking himself. This plan is full proof.

Chapters (3)

Spike wakes up one day feeling like a winner. To test his newfound winning abilities, he challenges Rainbow Dash and Applejack to a simple little game of Truth or Dare. What ensues will change the lives of the three forever.

Author's note: Spike's a boss.

Chapters (2)

Niamh, an introverted student of veterinary science, finds herself transported to a strange world inhabited by ponies. Of course, that means becoming one herself. Now she must prove to the other ponies that she is not the 'Nightmare Moon' they think she is, and earn their trust, while they must earn hers. Especially this 'Princess Luna' character.

But two questions stand out above the rest as being truly important: How did she get there, and why?

Featured 19/03/14 Didn't expect that.

Amazing cover art was done by the extremely talented MrFulp.

Chapters (4)

Princess Celestia went out for a stroll to a coffee shop. The next morning, she is single-hoofedly destroying the coffee industry.


No really, how?

Chapters (5)

Lyra, an innocent young pony from Ponyville is suffering from strange visions of another world, strange creatures, and a whole different reality. What's happening to this pony? Is it a health issue? Is she insane? Or is it something different altogether, is she really seeing visions of another universe?

Thanks to Halfsquat851 and Lab for editing, and Refferee for the countless mistake point outs. Thanks to TheArtrix for the cover art.
In featured box 10/18/2014

Chapters (10)

(Very loosely) based on the true story of a poly acquaintance of mine trying to find a restaurant on Valentine’s Day for herself and her two mates.

Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy are going out to enjoy their first Hearts and Hooves Day as a triad. Twilight has everything planned down to the dot, from when they’ll arrive at the restaurant in Canterlot to exactly how many rose petals will be on the cloud-bed at her room in the palace when they get home (forty five, and only true rose petals, no stamens – three roses for each of them, one red, one yellow, one dyed blue.)

Then she finds out about one technicality that never even crossed her mind. La Romanetique, Canterlot’s premier high-class dining establishment, only serves couples on Hearts and Hooves Day.

The earth shall tremble. The heavens shall fall. Tartarus itself shall disgorge its most feared inmates… but Princess Twilight Sparkle and her marefriends shall dine tonight!

Chapters (5)

Imagine you were alone. Imagine you had no memories. You were in pain and just when you thought it couldn't get worse, you looked up and saw the face of the devil himself. And it was you. You tried to help them but they were afraid of you. Out of fear they locked you away. You made a decision that day. If they would fear you and reject you they would get what they wanted. A demon lord.

Edit: 1st chapter to be redone by SurpriseKitty who is helping make the story better (its kinda becoming a collab. but dont worry its not going to affect the plot)

Character based of the Ninetails boss in Okami

note inspired by: LoHaV

Chapters (4)

The Witch of the Everfree... a tale that has spread among all who live by the ever illustrious forest, to whom the witch truly is, no one knows apart from the one herself... until now. Twilight Sparkle had lived in the Everfree throughout most of her long life, since the corruption she was alone until not long ago when she met few companions. Trained along side her sisters through bond in arcane magic, given true immortality, she continued her studies alone only every now and again seeing how her race fared. Now, forty years after she was dubbed a witch by her race, three little girls stumble through her woods in search of the ever mysterious "witch", what could really happen? read to find out.

FEATURED: 16/03/14

Many have wondered what Twilight looks like and such so to clarify, she does not look like a human female, she retains her fur coat, she is of human height and has hands. The facial structure is more detailed such as where the eyebrows should be there is a darker patch of coat much in the color of her mane.

The story starts a few episodes in, around halfway through season one I would say, some shall stay canon whilst some with alter, I am sorry for this inconvenience.

Twilight is still Twilight in every way, though she has been with little to no contact throughout her life apart from when the Everfree retained people, in such her words would become haggard sometimes so that's why you will probably go "huh" when you first see her talk to the CMC.

That is all for now.

Chapters (12)