• Member Since 26th May, 2016


Light brony, love to read a different stories, in particular about lessons which are presented by life. I live in Russia, learn English.

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Estimated Reading: 3 weeks



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After a century of confinement, Cozy Glow is unleashed on an unsuspecting world the world is unleashed on an unsuspecting Cozy Glow.

Cozy Glow group contest entry. As such, this story probably contains Cozy Glow. Let me check the character tags to confirm that...

Prompt: They’d set her free. They’d told her she deserved another chance. She didn’t know what being reformed meant, though, in a world where the heroes crushed the wrong-doers with overwhelming force.

Chapters (1)

In the deep dark depths of the underground, a pony can discover horrifying things.

Marble never expected she would find a friend.

This is my entry for the 2023 May Pairings Contest.

If you enjoy this story and would like to receive one of your own, see here for more details!

Chapters (1)

Life goes by pretty fast. Sometimes we forget to stop and smell the roses. Sometimes we forget what's really important.

Not trees though. Trees never forget. It's a shame they don't have voices to remind us.

Chapters (1)

Revenge is such an easy concept on paper, yet takes a great deal of effort, intellect and dilligence to achieve in reality. Especially so when your rivals and opponents are the Heroes of Equestria themselves.

But no matter. Everypony has their weaknesses, and everypony eventually falls prey to assuring too much trust and confidence in others when they really shouldn't.

She needed to become invisible to these ponies. To just be another member of Ponyville. Crackle Cosette, the casual photographer, no different from Mayor Mare, Nurse Redheart or all the others.

Just a splotch of colour from afar. Nopony to pay attention to, or to distrust. Just one of many to cheer the heroes on from the background.

Written for Bean's Writing Group under the prompt of 'Chrysalis secretly lives as a pony in Equestria' and 'Entire fic as an inner monologue' as a bonus prompt.

Check the group out, and ask the admins for a Discord invite if you're interested in writing some awesome prompts, as well!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Chiaroscuro

Cozy Glow can't remember the last time she'd felt the need—or had the ability—to blink. But with Stygian, a pony she vaguely recalls, standing in front of her and saying that she's Equestria's only hope? That definitely deserves a blink or two...

An entry in the 2023 May Pairings Contest, this story received one of the five "Judge's Prizes" in the final results.

Chapters (1)

The glamorous unicorn Opalescence is haunted by bizarre recurring dreams of a world in which she and her friends are all animals. But as vivid as these dreams are, surely they're just dreams, right? There couldn't actually be a parallel universe somewhere where they're little more than pets ... right?

Chapters (1)

It's no secret that the Flower Sisters are three of the most timid ponies in Equestria. Roseluck, Daisy, and especially Lily Valley are prone to panicking and fainting at the drop of a hat. But while most ponies are familiar with their high-strung personalities, what almost nopony knows is the secret concealed beneath. The true reason for their jittery nature is dark and destructive, and comes from deep inside the underground mountain tunnel on Equestrian Route 15.

Chapters (1)

Twilight’s hosting her yearly white elephant gift exchange, and Princess Luna couldn’t be more honored to attend.  The camaraderie of spending an evening with friends captures the spirit of Hearth’s Warming in such a way that even a silly yet simple game can mean so much more.  But while the fire of friendship burns strong, so too does the fire of curiosity:

What could possibly be in that box?

A very belated Secret Santa gift for Lopunny. I'm so sorry this took so long! Hope you like it!

Coverart by OofyColorful

Chapters (1)

There is no such thing as a gut feeling, not really. If you suddenly start to feel afraid for no apparent reason, it's very unlikely to be anything serious. But it doesn't make it feel any better does it?

Twilight is up burning the midnight oil again, when suddenly every sense she has tells her that something is terribly wrong. There can't be anything really wrong though, not in reality.
Can there?

A short experiment in atmospheric horror.
Featured in the Royal Canterlot Library on 26/04/19
Now featuring readings by ColonialPone here, and by MrSnarky here.

Chapters (2)

Long ago, there was a unicorn filly who made paintings with her magic that were said to be life like. However, she lived with two parents who were always fighting and abusing each other much to her sorrow. One day, she made a painting of a scary figure she had seen in her dreams. She put the painting up in her special room, but the next day the family was never seen again.

Hundreds of years later, Scootaloo visits their old abandoned house and sees the painting for herself.

Commissioned for Robsa990

Click here to Listen to the Dramatic Reading

If you would like a commission from me, be it a one shot or a multi-chapter story, please click here to learn the rules and procedures for doing so.

Chapters (1)