• Member Since 11th May, 2013


Hi, I'm Radicrane!

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It’s something that all your life, you have never been. A stallion with a rather reserved personality, you’re fine with being on your own, though admittedly, harbour a bit of a desire to have more in your life when it comes to friends and the like. The problem is though, you’re not exactly sure how to get out of this ‘social life-less’ situation you find yourself in, and actually achieve such desires.

That is, until one brightly pink mare comes into your life, and gives you all that and so much more.

God only knows how long I've spent writing this prologue. Revision after revision after revision… I guess I'm a bit of a perfectionist. Anyhow, consider me as new to the fic-writing scene. I'm aware that the whole ‘opposites attract’ storyline is a bit cliché, but since this is my first time writing an actual story, it’s what I felt the most comfortable with.

But enough of that, heh.

Tags and whatnot will be updated as characters and themes are added, and comments and constructive criticism are welcome. Hope you all enjoy!


Chapters (3)

After the ineffective advice from Iron Will, Pinkie takes the timid Fluttershy under her hooves to teach her to face her fears, at the same time that Twilight and her friends notice things have gone very much amiss around Ponyville.

Chapters (1)

Based on Irwin Allen's Land of the Giants. (But only just.)

When a state-of-the-art propulsion system on board a new spaceship goes haywire it brings the ship and all humans on board to Equestria, but the scale of this magical world is not what most would expect.

What safety is there for people in a world where even mice tower over them? Can they find a way to get back to Earth? Will they even want to?

May contain ultra-soft vore.

This is my first work on this site. Constructive criticism will be helpful.

Assistance in writing provided by two others who shall remain annonymous until they request that their handles are given in acknowledgement.

Chapters (6)