Favourites 236 stories
  • Favourites 236 stories - 117 unread chapters
    Created by Killah
    - October, 2014
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Total Words: 15,341,341
Estimated Reading: 6 weeks



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Princess Celestia, Regent of the Sun, has long guided the ponies of Equestria with a gentle and caring hoof. Never once did she allow herself to be swayed by thoughts of power, nor did she turn away from her subjects in their times of need. A ruler rightfully adored, she has helped an uncountable amount of ponies with their lives, finding their dreams, and fulfilling their destinies.

But comes the day she had long dreaded, but never feared.

Twilight Sparkle, her dutiful and precious student, has fulfilled her destiny and has become a new princess for Equestria. With her new role comes many responsibilities, but for a curious mare such as herself, so to come the questions. What does it mean to be an alicorn? What does it meant to be a princess? But more importantly than anything else, why is Princess Celestia an immortal, but Twilight Sparkle not?

It is a question the Princess of the Sun must now answer. Her last secret to be told to her greatest student.

Chapters (5)

A Juggernaut, one of the most deadly foot soldiers on Earth, wakes up from cryosleep to find his ship crash-landed in a foreign location. With seemingly nobody surviving but he, the Juggernaut dons his armour for a final time and prepares to go out guns blazing.

When he makes it outside, he is confronted with something that will shake his very foundations of life.

Written for a friend that has supported me since the beginning.
Cover image thoughtfully recommended to me by Ironwolves21.

Chapters (11)

“Real isn’t how you are made,” said the Skin Horse. “It’s a thing that happens to you. When a child loves you for a long, long time, not just to play with, but REALLY loves you, then you become Real.” -Margery Williams, The Velveteen Rabbit

Twilight Sparkle has come up with an inspired idea for Rainbow Dash’s birthday present, the best one she can imagine. She’s made a living, breathing copy of her favorite fictional character for her. The new pony has one goal in mind, and one purpose that crowds out all others: Be the best Daring Do she can be.

A collaborative work with the incomparable Eakin.

Chapters (5)

Divided between two worlds for thirty moons, left alone with their individual thoughts, Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer meet again. However, Twilight brings Sunset an option that she had thought long and hard on. A single choice that would alter both of their beings for all eternity if accepted. A grand yet humbling gift left only to the other to decided.

Art beautifully done by Xaztein.

Chapters (2)

When a simple small town Pegasus finds herself out of work, she takes up the offer of an old fillyhood friend to move to the big city. After all, it has been over ten years since the portals to the human world were opened, ponies do this all the time now right? All anypony talks about these days are all the Humans In Equestria, so what about the ponies looking for a better life in a new world?


This fic is a series of short, slice of life stories about a pony who loves soft clothing adapting to life in the human world.

I adapted this old fic of mine from it's horribly done greentext version into prose so I can stop being so ashamed of it and finally write some more. Hello PiE threads!

Chapters (6)

A Sweetie Bot Story

Stephanie enjoys a lot of things: reading, engineering, programming, advanced physics, and, of course, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. The result of these hobbies and habits is a little robotic filly, named Sweetie Belle. It was a pet project, something she started for herself on a whim one night, and worked on since before she started college. She has a job now, and is a young adult with everything in order the way it should be.

That is, until something unexpected happens.

Author's Warning
I have been informed this story contains deadly levels of cute. Continue at your own risk. Those with weak hearts may wish to avoid.

Fan-art contributed to the story.
Sweetie Bot does not like cats! by Cannibalus

Author's Note

Greetings one, greetings all, greetings none, and some; greetings, everyone.

So, new story, folks. It's not a Madverse fic, just another little story I cooked up. It's sort of like an old movie called 'Short Circuit', but isn't a crossover or a remake. The only real similarities are of course there's a robot and a girl named Stephanie. Of course it is centered around Sweetie Bot. Please do enjoy!


Art is by the illustrious Cannibalus. Thank you for allowing me to base this story off your wonderful art, sire! By all means, I owe you.

Chapters (13)

A changeling who finds responsibility thrust upon her after the failed Canterlot invasion.

A unicorn who finds herself part of first contact with a strange new creature.

A princess who finds hints of one she long since lost in another's mind.

With the arrival of a strange bipedal creature into Equestria, all three will find themselves intertwined with the fate of the girl. When language cannot be understood how will communication with the new arrival be achieved, and what secrets may the creature be bringing with her? What does the girl possess that may alter how the changeling in particular sees the world.

What could the girl possibly have that would allow one word – hope – to resonate so strongly, not only for herself but also the changeling.

This is a retelling of A Voice Among the Strangers from three viewpoints in particular. You don't have to read AVAtS to read this one, as I will be attempting to make each a full story on their own.

Also, this seems to share a Tv Tropes page with A Voice Among the Strangers!

(Thanks again to Tulip for the Cover image!)

Chapters (8)

Worgen? Try Ponies as the new Alliance race instead! Deathwing's Cataclysm breaks open the seals separating Equestria from the rest of Azeroth, allowing in the insanity that is World of Warcraft and WoW players.

I also recently got a spin off! Check it out!
"A Day at the Quest Hub" by Braininthejar

WoP TV tropes page here:

Chapters (12)

King Sombra’s dark influence was obliterated by the Crystal Heart, and the villain is well and truly dead. But when he attempts to steal the afterlife of an innocent victim, a human spirit is left hurtling towards Equestria, where this unfortunate soul is revived into the only vessel available: the reconstituted body of King Sombra himself.

Thus, a cheerfully oblivious alien is crammed into the form of the most evil and malicious being Equestria has ever known. Not that Shining Armor and Cadence know this, of course. As far as they are concerned, the King is back and he’s lost his fricking mind.

Click here for the TV Tropes page!

Chapters (4)

Daring Do goes on an epic quest to cross magnificent landscapes, to scale impenetrable boundaries, and to transcend herself.

Epic Cover art by Dream0rDie

Chapters (18)