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Anon Orange, coming from a pretty awful life in the city, is forced to visit his extended family in some backwoods town. Never having met them before, he's pretty uncomfortable with the notion. His arrival isn't too happy, but pretty soon he finds himself fitting in, especially with his youngest cousin, Apple Bloom. They go on adventures, sometimes with others and sometimes not, and Anon's heart begins to heal from past wounds.

Chapters (8)

Spike is no stranger to getting roped into things, being helpful is practically his second nature. Sometimes though, it can be a little too much even for him.
Thankfully, he has somewhere to go when things get out of control.

Rated T for a few instances of cursing.

Chapters (1)

A long time ago, a saddened mare found Time Turner tinkering in his lab late one stormy night. After offering the stallion more bits than he knew what to do with, he created Sweetie-bot. All seemed fine, until the robot started doing things he didn't program it to do.

And then it started getting taller.

And healing on it's own.

This is going to get complicated, isn't it?

A story by me! Sweetie-bot belongs to the Friendship is Witchcraft series.

I made the cover art using Blender, and then drew Sweetie quite poorly in my notebook, then traced over her using Paint dot net.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Changing Expectations

When ages are segmented and divided in the annals of history, it is done so with great events as breakpoints. The Second Age of Heroes was unanimously declared to have started with the return of Princess Luna and the changeling Invasion of Canterlot.

For thousands of years, the changelings survived beneath The Great Tapestry, that which connects all living and nonliving things. Hundreds of generations worked endlessly to keep their existence a secret. With one command from Queen Chrysalis, the Masquerade was broken.

In a single night, the changelings waged war against Equestria and took the Kingdom by storm. Months later, the war between changelings and ponies has ended. A new tapestry, a new story, must be woven between the two species. Equestria and the Fifth Hive have gone through a dark chapter and have emerged stronger for it.

One war ends and another begins.

As The Sword of Damocles hangs above the heads of the formerly-human King Phasma and his Equestrian counterparts, the forces of light must work on an ever-shortening window before war once again brings Hell to Equus. Dark powers grow in the places that the light does not reach, and they bring one irrefutable truth.

Epitaph is coming.

Cover art by Nixworld.

Special thanks to my pre-readers!

Chapters (33)

This story is a sequel to Repercussions

Page has some problems. Some are large with larger teeth. Some have sharp claws. Some have wings. Most are ponies. Sometimes being an alicorn is simply not worth the perks of the job, no matter how nice.

The village of Nocturnis has grown slightly and is still growing, built into the southern jungles and forming the core of the rare thestral tribe.

However, forming a new town is not without its own dangers or troubles. Especially if built in a difficult location. But it’s not always the wildlife that’s the most troublesome.

Cover image by Sipioc
Betaed by Arratra

Chapters (93)

A human living in Canterlot castle is given to Queen Chrysalis as part of peace negotiations between Equestria and the Hive. Celestia knew she shouldn't have let Luna finish the negotiations herself.

Cover art by jalm on Derpibooru.

Featured on 4/22/20. Thanks guys!

Now with audio readings by StraightToThePointStudio! Go check them out.
The Audio Reading Playlist

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to Mark My Words

One moment, Caleb was strolling in the cool evening air of the Las Vegas desert, then a rogue portal dumped him into an Equestrian desert and left him stranded in an unfamiliar universe. When attempts to return fail, he has to start his life anew. Willow Branch, a sympathetic earth pony mare, offers to help him learn the ways of his new world.

This story is a spin-off from "Mark My Words", chapter – "Unexpected Company".

Chapters (27)

After finding an alicorn filly in the Uppercastes and having everypony she knew turn against her, Lucky Favor makes it her mission to take the filly across the lands of a pre-unified Equus to reach a safe haven in Equestria. But first, she has to hire a housecarla for the job. Who better than this "hyoo-men" she's heard so much about, and who just might be the first one she's met who does not want to kill her and the alicorn?

This story takes place in the RGRE (Reversed Gender Roles Equestria) universe and has been converted to prose from its original greentext state.

On hiatus for extensive rewrites.

Chapters (9)

Apparently someone upstairs found some sort of pity within themselves and decided that I was worthy of a second chance. At least, that's what I assume. Since I've magically been dropped into another world, in the body of a baby horse no less! 

That was four years ago. Everything was all fine and dandy, my life was going good.

Too good apparently. 

Since that's when everything sort of went to shit.

Mega ultra super duper props to: FunkyFresh for helping this story get to how it is today.

4/24: https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/1038607/some-news

Chapters (66)

Much like the Sun's passage overhead, ages come and go. The land of Equestria is going through a change, much like it has countless times throughout the aeons, yet it is bitter sweet. For one ancient ruler, almost older than time itself, the dusk quickly approaches...

Artwork by CBTwilight

Author's Note
This is my personal sendoff to G4. I honestly can't say if G5 will live up to its predecessor, but I felt like trying to bridge the gap between what we know and what is soon to be...

If you want to help support me, I have a Tip-Jar/Patreon HERE

Chapters (1)