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Nightmare Rarity lives on the moon. Until she learns how to behave, she will remain there, as ordained by her closest friends. Thankfully, she wasn't left alone, as they assigned Anon to watch over her progress and report back when she starts showing signs of improvement.

Rarity took this as his way of expressing his undying love and affection, something the lonely villainess is happy to return in kind.

He doesn't dislike it.

Rating for particularly passionate kissing/suggestive themes/innuendo.

Day #3 of Hearts and Hands Week.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Rider on the Storm

For the briefest of moments, Anonymous wielded absolute power. He single-handedly destroyed the city of Canterlot, laid waste to Ponyville, decimated the Everfree Forest, and came dangerously close to annihilating the very Tree of Harmony itself. And he had an absolutely fantastic time doing it.
Right up until he lost.
Now he's stuck as a statue under the watch of the princesses he tried to subjugate, awaiting the time he'll be locked away forever, with the key no doubt thrown into a volcano. But from the very beginning, Anonymous suspected that the shenanigans of the good guys would cost him his victory at the last moment, and so he laid plans with his most loyal of subjects—all former soldiers of the Storm King he betrayed to obtain his power—to arrange for his release should the opportunity arise.
Unfortunately, he wasn't counting on the ponies calling in help from a faraway land. Enter the Four Princes of Zebrica, all wielding the same exact power that Anonymous did, and knowing a thing or two about how to put bad apples like him away for good. This is made even worse by the sorry state of Anonymous's storm beast forces, having hit hard times in the months since his defeat.
But not all is lost for the petrified supervillain. Because in a rare twist of luck, the Princes just so happen to unknowingly bring with them a zebra criminal with his own dirty little secret. A secret that not only secures Anonymous's release from captivity, but just might be the start of a horrifying new partnership, and with it, the birth of a new force of evil.
And of course, with all that going on, there's always the matter of the nascent Legion of Doom, plotting to bring their own age of darkness to Equestria as well...

Takes place during the final two seasons of Friendship Is Magic. With a few alterations here and there, because I HATE THE ANTI-FIM I HATE THE ANTI-FIM :bread:
Reading Rider on the Storm is strongly advised if you want any idea of what the hell is happening in this story.

Chapters (7)

Equus iocus.

Twilight ponders the fragile nature of her sanity in today's little adventure.

Chapters (1)

You and Twilight have been best friends for the longest time. It was surprising, considering that a literal Princess would ever consider you, the social outcast that you are, a friend. But for that, you were grateful. And you have never been happier than when you were with her, and vice versa.

One afternoon, Twilight approaches you looking all nervous and flustered. Naturally, as her best friend, you want to help in any way you can.

Featured on 7/25/2023 - 7/26/2023!

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Hypothetically

In theory, you and Twilight didn't make sense. A strong, intelligent, and wise mare like her paired with an awkward, dorky, and eccentric human like you... It was almost too good to be true, and yet it was. You and Twilight were the best of friends, until you found out about a week ago that she had romantic feelings for you.

Would it even work out? Could things between you two really escalate into something... more?

(Rated Teen for mild sexual innuendo.)

Cover art by tingsan!

Chapters (1)

Anon gets lost in a park during a short detour for some fresh air and ends up returning to the wrong civilization. One consisting of strange colorful creatures, who may or may not be aliens, robots in disguise or simply runaway products of a government black site biolab. It's hard to tell for sure, but hopefully they could help Anon find his way home... once he figures out how to ask.

A/N: Been lurking since 2015 and finally decided to write a fic. Tags will be updated as necessary, don't want to spoil some of the plans. Cover image has been slightly edited to make Derpy's speech illegible.

Chapters (12)

It has been six months since Princess Luna's return to Equestria, however everything is still so new to her. Equestria is not as it once was, and so much seem new and strange. From the words, to the customs, and even the way they conduct their ruling.

Luna felt lonely for a long time, that is until she discovered the joys of gaming. She even found a new friend, just one small problem, he is human, and not from their dimension. Well, it would not be a problem, not if Luna would not have used a certain spell to drag her newest friend through their online game and into Equestria.

Turns out dragging a human through a game and landing him in Equestria has some unforeseen consequences... Other than the fact he is a pony now...

Editor: SoloBrony

Story Inspired by the cover used.
Cover Owner: RedchetGreen from DeviantArt

Chapters (9)

It's Hearthswarming! The fireplace is lit, the presents are under the tree, and you are sharing a cup of hot cocoa with your best friend. How could it get any better? Well, if you ask Rainbow Dash, the answer is to venture outside in freezing temperatures and throw balls of frozen water at one another until you are soaked and suffering from hypothermia, or something like that.

For a mare that doesn't have a reputation for thinking things through, you doubt she has a plan to warm up after it's all said and done. Tonight, though...she might just surprise you.

Featured on 8 Jan 2023!
Featured on 26 Dec 2023!

Update (October 2023): I commissioned Redruin to do a 10 page comic for this story! Check my blog post or derpibooru to see it!

Chapters (2)

Anonymous, asshole extraordinaire and a rotten egg by all accounts, has fallen on good times after being made a commander of the Storm King's vast armies. With the King's forces and equipment at his fingers, he's found great success conquering nations, sowing chaos, and kicking the asses of all walks of life. All while having a rip-roaring great time doing it.
But the day of the Storm King's biggest conquest to date - the nation of Equestria - looms just around the corner. All that's left now is the final few preparations for the invasion: loose ends to tie up, new weapons to seize, and even some co-commanders to annoy to no end. And once those are complete, Anon will be the first in line to take Equestria as his next conquest.
God help us all.

This isn't the first horse story I've written, but it is the first one that is prose instead of greentext. And I'm still a bit rusty on top of all that. Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated!

Chapters (12)

A human living in Equestria owns a restaurant in Canterlot. Hearth's Warming is approaching. Demand is high.

Life is a series of challenges, and running a restaurant is undoubtedly a big one. Jean does his best as anyone can while dealing with other things that have come into his life as of late.

Chapters (8)