Freeport Venture Stories 7 stories
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This story is a sequel to The Freeport Venture

Sunset Shimmer has established a good life for herself in Freeport. Sure, the city might be horrendously corrupt, but she makes a very good living as the Freeport's only officially sanctioned unicorn magus.

All that goes down the drain when somepony robs the richest bank in Freeport. And most baffling of all, after the heist the crook went to the poorest part of town and scattered the loot for all of Freeport's poor and deprived citizens. Now Sunset has to find the thief, and figure just why someone would rob from the rich and give to the poor...

Reading The Freeport Venture is not necessary to follow this story's plot, though you'll certainly enjoy it more if you have. Plus you should read the previous story anyway, because I'm quite proud of it.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Freeport Venture

Sunset Shimmer, the Magus of Freeport, has taken plenty of jobs since her arrival in the city. Though she's picky about what work she'll do, especially when the job is offered by one of her least favorite ponies in the world, the large bag of gold that came with the latest request was enough to change her mind.

And that's how she finds herself attending a high-end auction, where one of the rarest and most dangerous tomes of magic in the known world is being sold off to the highest bidder. With some of the world's wealthiest scum and villains attending, who walks out with the book could have consequences far beyond the islands.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to The Freeport Venture

As Freeport's best problem solver, Puzzle Piece finds himself helping the Magus-for-hire Sunset Shimmer with a job once again. The Sweetash family, one of the richest families in Freeport, has contacted Sunset with a new job to investigate ugly new rumors surrounding one of their rivals.

While the job seems straightforward enough, they quickly find out how a sweet deal can become sour.

Chapters (4)

Strumming Heartstrings of the Equestrian Intelligence Services is on a mission. A mission from ... well, actually she just made one up for herself. Sure, she has her actual job of keeping an eye on Celestia's ex-student Sunset Shimmer, but that's not enough to occupy all her time. After all, Sunset seems to have gotten a bit better about not getting herself into too much trouble. Sometimes. Occasionally.

Thus, when Strumming encounters a mad zebra seemingly obsessed with getting revenge against the gryphons who injured him years ago, it seems like it might be an interesting diversion. Little does she know there's more to this case than meets the eye...

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Freeport Venture: More Equal than Others

Sunset Shimmer had grand ambitions upon becoming Freeport's only magus, most importantly helping out the citizens of Freeport itself. When she hears of an outlying farming community in danger from a horde of undead, she knows she has to help them. Even if they can't pay her fees, it's the right thing to do.

However, this new challenge might be too much for her to handle. These zombies are unlike anything she's ever seen, and an old enemy is mixed up in the middle of all of this. Sunset has no idea what dark secrets the undead horde hides, or the danger posed by the necromancer behind it.

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to The Freeport Venture

Kukri Doo has a good life in Freeport. She's almost twelve, her parents are warm and loving, she has a big sister to look up to, and Sunset Shimmer--the very same magus the young changeling met on the Venture--might be taking her on as an apprentice soon.

But then her big sister comes home with word that one of her jobs has gone wrong, and now the entire family is in danger. And now something ancient and evil has started stalking Kukri in the night...

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to A Moment in the Sun

Sunset Shimmer is on the run. It's been six months since she left her life as Princess Celestia's student behind, but she can't escape her own past. Her parents are offering a reward for her safe return home, and Celestia's agents are watching her every step. She might have gotten out of Canterlot, but the runaway student is still a long way from freedom. Especially since her education with the Princess of Equestria didn’t cover things like how to make a living wage with her magical skills.

However, there might still be one place where she can escape all of them. The infamous island nation of Freeport has long had a reputation as a haven for pirates, criminals, and exiles, but there's no better place in the world for somepony who wants to disappear. The only question is whether Sunset will live long enough to pull it off.

Chapters (14)