• Member Since 10th Nov, 2016


That One strange MLP fan

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Spike & Discord have happily been ruling the Chimera Kingdom for years & their son Draco is 5 years old now. While raising a child & running an empire are rewarding, it can also be tiring. So the trio decides to take a break & spend some time away. Where would three magical royal beings go on vacation? Ponyville of course! Draco hardly ever gets to see his extended family now that they've all settled down. So bags are packed, plans are made & fun will be had! What could possibly go wrong?
Probably a lot actually.
This is the sequel to Love & Entropy if you don't read that this won't make any real sense.

Chapters (9)

Spike realizes Rarity isn't for him 10 years into the show's timeline. Deciding that he needs to get away from everything he decides to put his new wings to work as he searches for something to complete him. What he finds is not what he expected. Love never is what you expect it to be is it? But any sane person would definitely question his new romance if they saw his new lover.

Chapters (11)