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Anonymous just wants to find a way home. That's too bad, because the ponies of Equestria (the mares, especially) have found out that he tastes very good. Whenever a pony tastes him, they're overcome with a desire to try and eat him. It's rather annoying for him, especially when he's only five centimeters tall.

Contains soft vore.

Does not contain clop or any of the other things commonly associated with vore. The sex tag is for context and conversation topics only. Character tags will be updated as the story progresses.

Chapters (9)

Twilight Sparkle assigned Sweetie Belle to practice her teleportation magic for the next Twilight Time while she was away at Canterlot at a royal gathering. During that same day, Sweetie Belle practiced that magic on herself... only to be reduced to a mere inch tall! The worst part is, everything and everypony became giants to her!!

Now she must trek through dangerous territory to Canterlot in hopes of grabbing the attention of Twilight Sparkle so she could restore her back to normal size. That would be cake for Sweetie Belle, if those obstacles didn’t include getting crushed or eaten alive by everypony!!

My Little Pony belongs to Hasbro Inc. and Lauren Faust
Cover Art by Ponythroat

Chapters (13)

I never thought that this day would come; the day that my dad would finally find someone to be with after being alone for so long. Not only that, but the one that he found, the one that he's decided to spend the rest of his life with, was none other than Princess Celestia.

I do feel happy for Dad, really I do, but I still didn't like the idea of my father getting remarried.

The thing is, though... I have no idea why I feel this way.

This story takes place in a universe where the human and pony worlds are in close contact, and the ponies are anthro in this story.

This is my first time writing a non-comedic story, so let's see how this goes. And because I know someone will ask:

This story is NOT connected to any of my previous stories.

Cover art by me.

Chapters (10)