• Member Since 12th Apr, 2017

Silky Quill

Just an avid reader who enjoys ponies.

Favourites 427 stories
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Total Words: 3,757,826
Estimated Reading: 1 week



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Shining Armor will do anything to save his marriage. Anything.

(Featured in the Pony Fiction Vault)

Chapters (3)

Lately, Discord had taken up gardening.

It was, admittedly, an unexpected hobby for the spirit of chaos and disharmony to pick up. But he'd easily justified it to himself--and everypony else who dared question--with the answer that chaos is being unexpected, and that true chaos is doing things that no one would have guessed, and so he was living perfectly up to his own nature.

He had created six unique varieties of flowers; they were completely unique to his little garden. Nowhere else in Equestria did one grow.

Chapters (1)

Pinkie has a secret. So far, she's kept it from everyone, but Twilight can tell that something's wrong with her. So she offers what vague support she can… until Pinkie takes her into the basement to show her.

Fourth-place finisher in the "More Most Dangerous Game" contest, based on the Cupcakes prompt.

Featured on Equestria Daily!

Chapters (1)

Sweetie Belle sings for a charity event and remembers her sad past but feels secure in her hopeful future. Warning: Remembered child abuse.

Cover pic found on google image search and is from http://www.deviantart.com/art/Sweetie-Belle-Beauty-of-a-voice-389383920

Artist: Quanno3

Chapters (1)

A girl made a mistake.

Now she talks to her sister about it.

Since people are being put off by the title, I'll say it here. The title is not directly related to the fic's contents. Don't be expecting a story about someone dying. It's metaphorical, not literal.

Now with a reading by Short Stories. Click here to view.

Chapters (1)

It’s true. Sometimes a tear’ll slip out… it’s bound to happen, sometimes… but for the most part, I cry on the inside.

But right now, as I watch my friends weeping in a huddle together... I'm not crying.

Not even on the inside.

Based on the episode, Tanks for the Memories.

Reading done by Voiceguy.
Reading done by Scarlett Blade.
Reading done by DRWolf.

Chapters (1)

A suicide right by the school of friendship.
Why would someone do that when there was help so close?
Twilight can't let this go as just a tragic incident. There has to be a reason.
I just added some detail and fixed a couple small problems. The story itself is unchanged.

Chapters (1)

Losing someone can be hard. But it can sometimes be even harder when you never really got to know that person in the first place.

As everyone around her mourns this tragedy , Princess Cadance upholds her role as ruler of the Crystal Empire in the only way she knows how: with dignity and grace. In carrying out her royal duties, she knows she has to put aside her own feelings of grief, and act as any princess would.

No one would ever know that, deep inside, she's completely falling apart...

Hear the LIVE narration by Pencil and Priest here!

Contains miscarriage, brief scenes of violence, mentions of blood, and adult non-sexual themes. This is a story about losing an unborn child. Please be aware of that before you read.

This is not a normal anonpencil story. Does not contain Anon. Does not contain jokes.

Chapters (4)

Fluttershy has had enough of her life, she has left a note to the only person she believes will understand what she has felt, Pinkie Pie, and now she's going to end her life. Can the pink party pony make it to her friend in time?

Just a sad one shot I did cause I'm sad.

Chapters (2)