• Member Since 12th Apr, 2017

Silky Quill

Just an avid reader who enjoys ponies.

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Estimated Reading: 1 week



  • Featured 23557 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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She's in class everyday, but she never seems happy.

She has friends, but likes to be alone.

And today... I saw her crying to herself.

It's not the first time I've seen her cry, either.

Chapters (1)

With the time she has left, Rainbow Dash seeks what is truly important in life before moving on.

Chapters (3)

Ask my little bird a question--"What could you do if you weren't afraid?"--and it will answer in its own sweet way.

On clear evenings, when the trees enveloping her home cast long shadows through the windowpanes, Fluttershy waits for the arrival of a bird that doesn't sing.

Chapters (1)

"Why are you late?" questioned Applejack. Her countenance continued to wrinkle in worry.

"Because this is not an appointment, Applejack. There were others close to you that required my attention," responded Death

Others close to you that required my attention. Disbelief roiled inside Applejack. Her entire body turned hot, then cold, then hot again. Anger rose within her, so great it seared the breath from her lungs. She turned to Death screaming, "Who did you take th—" That's when she saw it.

Sweet Apple Acres was on fire.


Thanks to Killsy for proofreading. Also, thanks to CalamityB31 on deviantART for the cover art. Make sure to check out his work.

Chapters (1)

Nobody ever wants the ones closest to them to leave. But if they are leaving, don't forget to say goodbye. The cutie mark crusaders learn this when a crusading event takes a horrible turn, one they would never want.

Chapters (1)

Diamond Tiara has an internal battle because of her mother. Can she hold it together? After all, a Diamond CAN'T break.

Chapters (1)

Diamond Tiara has had a secret for a long time now, one that she thought she would never share, now it's that time when she should tell Cherilee what's going on...

[NOTE:] Sex tag because of situations, there will be NO foalcon in this story.

Chapters (1)

An audio adaptation exists for this story, which was mentioned on Equestria Daily. Reviews can also be found here, here, and a Royal Canterlot Library interview/feature can be found here! Enjoy!

Enter Painless - a young resident physician at Manehattan East Side Memorial Hospital who drew the short lot, and ended up working through Hearth's Warming. With the city caught in the grips of a blizzard that weatherponies are still trying to get under control, the night is boring, the decorations contrived, and the coffee is as bitter as his sensibilities.

Tonight, Painless has a single, pointless task assigned to him - To keep the company of a lonesome, unconscious stallion who is essentially already dead. In so doing, a young doctor will learn that medicine is about more than scalpels and technique.

It's also about mending broken hearts.

(Note: The character 'Painless' is an homage to the 1970s-80s television series M*A*S*H. For convenience sake, December 25th has been used in this story as the date for Hearth's Warming.)

Chapters (1)